can't save everyone

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I cried as I ran through the forest not stopping for anything or anyone. It's almost as if I could feel his breath on my neck.

I wanted to stop to catch my breathe, but I couldn't. I was too scared I didn't want him to have me again.

My stomach started to turn, I hunched over by a tree and threw up the breakfast I had this morning. I wiped the residue from my mouth.

I lifted myself back up, limping forward. My chest started to burn, and I was pretty much out of breath. I figure I could just sit and hide for a little while.

I sat there calming myself down, I buried my hands in my face. And cried quietly to myself. My body froze as I felt something from the back of my head.

"Please don't do it. Don't you run."

"Why don't you just kill me with that fucking gun!" I screamed, she kept aiming it circling the to the front of me.

"Jesus!" she said kneeling down in front of me.

She cupped face examining me, " We need to get you to a doctor."

I shook my head at her, letting my tears fall. "You're gonna bring me to a doctor! But you're not gonna bring me home!"

The woman I had met at the club, Dosse was her name. She looked at me sympathetically. She lifted me up walking me back to the direction I was coming from.

"It's never gonna end." I said stomping onto my injured leg a little harder.

I didn't care how much it hurt, Its gotten to the point where I don't care if I die anymore. I'd rather be dead than endure this.

I fell onto the ground again not wanting to get myself back up. She sat down beside me.

"Just give me that gun." I screamed.

"I- I can't. I'm sorry."

I could feel a pounding headache form as I screamed at her. She didn't care, so she needed to stop acting like she did.

"Give me the fucking gun!" I cried harder than I ever did before.

She wrapped me up asI began to cry and tremble into her arms. Dosse consoled me smoothing out my hair.

We sat there for a while, I could feel the rain drizzle on my skin. I stopped crying and just closed my eyes. Imagining at this moment, me being home.

~time skip~

I sat in the car with my hoodie over my head, watching as we passed by all of the trees. They were bringing me to a doctor.

But it just seemed like the further we drove the more we seemed to be getting nowhere.

The car came to a sudden stop, I could feel Dosse eyes turn and look at me. Then back at her brother.

"I'll bring her in."

Anthony grabbed my knee, I looked up at him. "Don't cause any trouble in there."

Dosse opened the door for me helping me inside the weird doctor's office. No one was even at the front desk. Dosse called out, "Laurie!"

A woman who seemed to be in her mid 50s popped her head out of the door. She shook her head no.

"No dosse not this time! I'm not getting involved with Henry's mess!" she shouted pointing back to the front door.

"This isn't Henry's mess."

"I don't care Dosse! That was the last time and the only time!" she said again getting a little louder with her.

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