Chapter 31

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The sounds of chaos grew louder. Bursting through a door, the sight of fleeing bodies and gleaming spears colliding with rusted swords halted her. The screams of revellers and the wails of terrified children replaced the once celebratory scene; red and gold garlands littered the ground as more bodies fled the castle. Dawn staggered back as a man pushed her away in his haste to reach the castle gates before the guards sealed them. She collided with Hunter as cries of justice and revolution sounded.

"What is happening?" She asked. Men in filthy clothes swung their weapons against the castle sentinels. Many had climbs up to the exterior wall, howling in laughter as they sliced through archers aiming their bows to the riot brewing in the courtyard.

"A small distraction for a larger purpose."

"It doesn't look like a small distraction"

Luke was out there. She tried to find him but the sea of people kicked up a cloud of dust in their wake, making it impossible to see the centre of the courtyard. She had to get to him! She had to know that he was safe before she left.

Hunter caught her hand when she began walking toward the sea of people.

"Let go, I need to find a friend."

He tightened his grip and pulled her away from the madness that only seemed to grow worse with the passing seconds. A man ran by them, carrying a lions head flag. But as the fabric flew behind him, the horns and crossed out eyes of the lion flapped in the wind—the man chanting as he acted as the rioters' flag bearer.

"Down with the King! Short is his reign!"

She followed the man as he plunged into the heart of the fighting. The flag waving as he navigated through stray swords and arrows. She collided with Hunter as he came to a stop. Looking around him she saw a golden armoured guard standing in front of them. His once polished armour was covered in blood. The ceremonial cloak fastened to his left shoulder hung in ribbons, the fabric cut by a wave of weapons. His sword was drawn. Hunter pushed her further behind him as he stepped forward.


Hunter raised his sword, disregarding the warning of the guard, and without time to register his next move she watched as he swung his sword under the guard's chin. She closed her eyes, in shock and to shield her eyes as a spray of blood fell on her from the man's neck. With a horrid sound, he fell forward, choking as the blood pooled in his airways. She brought one trembling hand up to her face and wiped the man's blood from her cheek, the taste of his blood in her mouth

"Follow me."

Hunter stepped over the still body, elbowing his way through the crowd. He was headed to the balcony. Catching a glimpse through the haze, she saw Gavin and Tal fighting against hordes of castle sentinels. Daggers reflecting the light flew through the air, imbedding themselves in the unfortunate archers who aimed their arrows his way.

"Wait here."

Hunter weaved his way through the bodies, moving through the crowd with such ease that he was beside Gavin in seconds, Night-Slayer poised in front of him. She watched as the sword seemed to surge in his hand as he brought it down against both rioters and castle sentinels.

Shouts of triumph echoed from the above her and soon the courtyard was bathed in an orange glow. The lion's head banner was lit ablaze, the fire scorching the alabaster castle. Looking up she saw the rioters' flag bearer. He had discarded the vandalized flag for a torch and was feeding to the flame. Se watched as the yellow and orange flames burned the symbol of Arnoldus. The roaring lions soon engulfed in flames. A malevolent look appeared on his face and Dawn watched in horror as he withdrew a knife from his hip and began cutting the banner loose.

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