Chapter 33.1

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A/N Only a few more chapters left in this book. 

The cave opened to the waters of Forboro. The morning rays reflected off the blue ripples as their boat drifted out from the shelter of the glowing cave. Hunter and Gavin grabbed the rocks that jutted out around the exit, pulling their small boat to shore. Dawn took note of the mountains in the distance, hidden behind faint grey clouds. They were close to the Northern Mountains.

"Where are we headed Hunt?"

Gavin asked. The sounds of the gulls filtered through the beach and the dark sand crunched under his feet as he adjusted his stance. The many blades attached to his chest reflected the sun's rays. His hair had come loose from the knot at his neck, the wet strands sticking to his skin. Hunter looked much the same, but where Gavin stood tall, Hunter stood regal. Despite the blood that stained his clothes, the dirt on his cheek and the dark hair pushed haphazardly back, he looked dignified. There was a kindness in Gavin, that kindness also having the ability to turn to ferocity. But as she watched Hunter, she saw who he truly was.

The Prince of The Lands

A man born and trained to one day sit on The Golden Throne.

And as her gaze followed the bridge of his nose and the lines of his profile, she silently pledged her loyalty to him. Evelyn had meticulously laid clues with the hope that someone would one day find Ilaburn's heir. She would not let her efforts go to waste.

The weight at her hip, however, reminded her of where her journey diverted from Hunter's. If the lock had been forged to seal the power of the Fae and with it the memory of them—then someone might know what the tome contained and not remember it. If only she knew who that cloaked figure in Eastmaw was. For now the tome would remain a secret.

Returning her gaze to him, she watched as his mouth tugged into the briefest smiles. What now? She thought. Whenever he smiled, it never lead to anything joyful.

"Mistfall. I mean to call in a few favours."

Gavin scoffed, "Mistfal is all the way over there." He said as he pointed across the sea. "You need a ship to sail across Forboro. I hate to break it to you, but the boat won't make it."

Gavin moved his outstretched finger and pointed to said boat. They all turned, just in time to watch a large wave of water lift and carry the boat off into the sea.

"Now we definitely don't have a boat to cross Forboro."

Tal snorted and Gavin gave her a playful wink in acknowledgment of her laughter. It felt unnatural to be joking at this time so Dawn continued to watch the boat as the rapids of Forboro Sea carried it south, away from any landmasses. She wondered where it would end up. Lost at sea and a world of possibilities in front of it. She felt a kinship with the boat. She too was set adrift in her own sea.

"I am aware. But look at where we are." Hunter pointed to the mountains. "Securing a ship will be much easier on this side of the sea."

She saw unease washed over Gavin's features. He subtly reached for the dagger strapped on his thigh. Something unsettled him.

"How is it easier on this side of the sea?" Dawn asked looking between the two males.

Gavin answered for him, disagreement evident in his tone. "I believe our Prince hopes to ask the Sisters for help." Then turning to face Hunter he added, "But as your second, I would advise not to disturb them."

It was the first time she had heard Gavin refer to him as 'Prince' but considering the tone in which he addressed Hunter, it was not meant in respect.

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