Chapter 3

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Her strength soon dwindled as an uncomfortable feeling of an empty stomach overcame her.

Dawn was hungry. And the sounds her stomach was making meant that if she didn't find food soon her journey would be cut short by her untimely death from starvation. A bitter laugh escaped her lips. To evade five horsemen only to be killed by starvation was pitiful. Yet by some miracle the sounds of merriment carried through the forest led her to an inn that advertised "delicious food".

She smelled the sweet aroma of freshly baked pies and hot stew bubbling over a flame. And almost fell to the ground as the scent in air both called her forward and halted her in her steps. The sign read, "The Dapper Dog Inn" and from where she stood she could see the collection of men and women laughing and enjoying their meal. Coming closer to the establishment, Dawn watched as a waitress zipped through the tables, carrying bowls of delicious looking food.

At least the owners were true to their word on that.

Digging into her satchel, Dawn tried to piece together all the copper she had. But she was hilariously short and could not even bargain with the owners. They obviously had people lining up to eat at their inn.

"Hello there."

Dawn turned, hearing the voice from close behind her. Caught in her thoughts she had not noticed when the man came to stand behind her. Her heart leapt out of her chest as she expected a black armoured man to be standing there, his sword poised at her throat.

But when she turned around and met a wide chest, she had to step back to meet the eyes of the man who had greeted her. He was a full head taller than her and wore a navy vest with a range of daggers strapped to his front. The brown leather contraption that stretched over his chest housed five throwing knifes along with the strategically placed daggers that could easily be drawn while in battle. Turning her gaze up she noticed the man's long hair. He wore it tied back and the loop of the leather knot holding the hair away from his face peaked out from the side. His angular face and dark eyes easily made him an attractive male and from the smile still on his face he knew this fact.

Dawn blushed and averted her eyes. Hunger was messing with her mind. Although, hunger had nothing to do with it, the alternative was hard believe. Was she actually gawking at a man after what had happened in her life? She wanted to knock some sense into her but it was easier, and safer, to deem her stray thoughts on the product of starvation.

"Would you care to join me for lunch? I see that you are a little short," he said gesturing to her satchel. "I would hate for you not to have tried the stew."

Dawn was about to decline his offer and leave the inn when her stomach growled once again. Blushing she looked up at the man as he laughed,"well that answers my question!"

A smile spread across his face, transforming his features and Dawn was fixed in place, only able to stare at the enigma this stranger was. He gave her a conspiratorial wink and draped his arm over her shoulders. He guided her to a table and called to the waitress.

"Two bowls of your finest hot stew and two slices of freshly baked pie!"

The waitress giggled and disappeared through the swinging doors. She watched the man seated across from her. His muscled arms were crossed in front of him as he leaned, rocking on the back legs of his chair.

She studied the way his muscles flexed and the arrangement of the daggers on his chest. He acted cheerful but his weapons suggested anything but cheerful behaviour if you crossed him. Holding onto her satchel and feeling the weight of her sword, Dawn tried to hide her concern. Was he looking to turn her in for the reward? From the looks of it he was a man for hire, given tasks make certain people disappear without causing alarm. His aloof behaviour would have blinded her before but her world had shifted on its axis, every person was a threat and had to be treated as such. And so when the waitress returned with the food and placed a steaming bowl of stew in front of her. Dawn did not grab for the spoon and shovel the vegetable and meat stew despite how tantalizing the scent was.

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