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He still couldn't believe that he can really travel to the future.

George was more than excited to see more of it.

What will he see next? How can he use this kind of 'power'?

There were much things that were going though his mind that day.

George got tired fast and he was upset again, because his heaters chose to not work anymore. Again.

And so he decided to fix them later on tomorrow. But not today.

Before he changed into his pyjamas and went to bed, he got the blanket he found and looked out of the window for a brief moment.

It was snowing.

When he was laying in his bed, comfy and kind of warm, he fell asleep.

He really hoped, he would travel again. It was exciting for him.

It felt like his life finally had something he was excited for.

George didn't have much friends, nor a partner. His family and him didn't have much contact either.

He was basically, most of the time, all alone.

George woke up to the sound of rain.

He was still feeling pretty tired and didn't want to stand up yet.

He decided to sleep a little longer, which didn't work out well.

His thoughts went through his mind.

As much as he wanted to sleep a little longer, he needed to know, if he traveled again.

He opened his eyes and checked his alarm, which also showed the current date, just to see, that he definitely skipped some time.

'Wait... Two months?!' he got up really fast, which made his vision a little bit blurry for a moment.

After he was okay again, he got out of his bed, looking around a little.

Not much changed in his home, but outside it changed definitely. There wasn't any snow anymore. Just a lot of puddles and water.

'So, how did I travel so far?' he asked himself and looked what he could make for breakfast.

He noticed, that there was more food than usual in his fridge.

George decided to make some pancakes, after he checked what stuff he had to eat and cook.

'Two months don't get me anywhere right now' he thought while eating his pancakes.

It was too far away to prove it again, and he didn't really know what he should do here right now anyways.

He doesn't even know how he came here and how he could possibly leave.

He spent his day checking the news and stuff in his home, which changed.

The day went by really fast, but somewhen at 3pm, Georges phone suddenly rang.

Because he was in another room, he ran to where his phone was placed and looked at the contact who was calling him, but he wasn't fast enough to accept it.

'Dream' one of his eyebrows raised.
Why would he save someone into his contacts like that?

Suddenly, he received a message. He instantly clicked on it to read it.

Hi, are you busy? :)

'Who is that? I surely don't have anyone that I would call names like that' George was confused, but also wanted to know more about the person.

No, just too slow to accept it

He simply wrote back and not long after a reply followed.

You're always slow :P

'How rude' George rolled his eyes.

He was really curious who was behind the name 'Dream'.

He needs to know more about the person. When did they even meet?

'I wonder...' his thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing again.

This time, George accepted almost instantly. 

"Hi George" the voice on the other end said happily.

George simply repiled with a plain "Hey?", which was almost just a mumble.

The voice didn't sound familiar at all, but it seemed very friendly and motivated.

It sounded like someone really nice and young, but he hasn't met them two months ago for sure.

He would know who he was, if he did.

"This time you were fast enough, hm?" he said and giggled a little.

It was a very warm giggle, which made George feel something he couldn't describe.

He was feeling almost... Safe?

"I could have also just declined it" he said in a jokingly annoyed tone.

"Well, you still can end it" the other one said back cheeky.

"Believe me, I will" George was smiling brightly. He was actually having fun right now.

But George, of course, didn't end the call.

They began to talk a little, and George opened himself fastly. Both were talking energic, motivated and happy with each other, about much different stuff.

And they kept in talking for hours straight.

George didn't even notice, that it was late already.

Right now they were talking about the british accent and how funny it sounds for others.

"IT'S NOT THAT FUNNY, DREAM" George yelled through the phone.

"It's not tha funnay, Dweam" Dream mocked him.

"Stop" George laughed and gasped for air.

"Stawp" both were laughing now.

George didn't have that much fun for a very long time, but it felt amazing.

~ 842 words

Future me / DNFWhere stories live. Discover now