Spending time

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When George felt the tap on his shoulder, he turned around fastly out of a reflex, because it scared him a little.

"Hi Gogy, did I scare you?" the blonde boy who tapped his shoulder smiled.

George definitely noticed the voice from somewhere, and knew instantly who it belonged to.

"Dream?" George asked taking a closer look at the bigger one.

He was wearing light brown turtleneck, which was a bit thinner than the winter ones.

He also wore dark blue pants and sneaker.

It was a nice combination and really looked good on him.

"Mhm~" the other one replied happily and went in for a hug.

George instantly hugged back, feeling more than comfortable in Dreams arms.

He even felt the warmth of Dreams body while he did.

It was the first time George saw Dream, and he didn't think that he would look like that.

He was prettier than expected, he even had some little fangs, which fit him perfectly.

"So, let's go around a little?" Dream was still smiling and ended the hug.

George smiled back.

He nodded and they walked across the park together.

"Sorry that I let you wait", Dream said after a short while, "there was really much traffic" he added and rolled his eyes a little.

"No problem, I was early anyways, so you weren't even late" George smiled and turned to Dream a little, letting out a small giggle.

Dream was looking around a little, so George had time to look at his face more.

He instantly noticed his freckles.

Small little freckles on his cheeks. He truly didn't expect them, but they really fit him.

George also looked at Dreams eyes, trying to figure out their color. They surely weren't yellowish like he saw them.

Maybe green? Or...

"Hm?" Dream looked at George.

"Oh, nothing" George shook his head and looked straight again, almost blushing out of embarrassment.

Dream just giggled after that.

"My eye color is greyish-green, if you forgot" he said after a short break.

'Greyish-green? That's pretty, for sure' George thought to himself.

"It surely is hard to be colorblind..." he added and was looking in Georges direction for a short moment.

"It's alright, I mean, it's normal for me" George nodded and was thinking about what he shouldn't forget to do today.

'I need to recall his phone number today' he shouldn't forget it again.

"George?" Dream snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hm?" George looked into his direction, both looking into each others eyes.

"Do you want to get ice cream?" the bloned one pointed somewhere "I'll pay" Dream offered.

George nodded looking where Dream pointed at and said a short "Sure" before they changed their direction.

They were walking next to each other the whole time, enjoing each others company.

As soon as they arrived, they were deciding what to get.

It wasn't a hot day, but now that the sun was shining, it started to be kind of warm. The clouds were still around the sun though.

Some of them were big, but the sun had enough space to shine.

"Hm, I'll take chocolate and vanilla, please" George ordered first when they arrived.

"Wow, that's so plain" Dream looked at him judging George for his desicion.

"I'll take green apple and blueberry" he ordered and smiled at the girl behind the counter.

After that, Dream leaned to George, whispering "Because of our eye colors, you know?" and got into his position again.

George just rolled his eyes and grabbed his ice cream.

"How romantic" George said being sarcastic.

After Dream paid, they both sat down at a bench in a small park and talked about different ice cream flavors.

"Wanna taste?" Dream held his ice cream in front of Georges nose.

"Why not" the ice cream was tasting really good.

"You don't need to taste mine" George said "it's plain after all" he tried to sound like Dream, but made a funny dramatic impression of him.

Dream looked at him and shook his head "It definitely is plain".

"It definitely is plain" George continued teasing him.

Dream pushed George slightly with his hand, ending up with getting a mad look from George afterwards.

The blonde one wheezed "You look amazing when you're mad" and couldn't stop.

George was laughing too, he couldn't hold it back, because of the blondes tea kettle wheeze.

Dream's laugh was even cuter in real life.

George was still looking at Dream.

The brunette one didn't only feel really excited, but he also felt something in his stomach.

It was a strangle tickling feeling, like butterflies that are trapped in his stomach.

A weird feeling, that George tried to ignore.

Both were joking around until they finished their ice cream almost at the same time.

"What now?" George said smiling brightly at Dream.

He could look into his face without feeling weird now.

"Hmm" as soon as Dream answered that, they both heard a thunder.

George looked around, seeing the black clouds at the sky.

"Well, how about going somewhere we won't get wet?" Dream replied.

George nodded, looking out for a café or something like that.

He couldn't find something around, and as he wanted to tell Dream, to go back to the café where they got the ice cream from that was further away, he grabbed his hand.

The brunette one was confused and got dragged along with the blonde boy.

~907 words

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