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George loved talking to Dream, even though he kind of just got to know him.

He enjoyed listening to his stories, discussing different topics with him or just listening to his tea kettle laugh.

After a while, George finally noticed that it was about 11pm already, but he didn't want to end the call yet.

He needs to spend a little more time with him, it made him happy.

"Okay, okay stupid question, but why the nickname 'Dream'?" George genuinely asked the other boy.

"Dream? You called me that from the beginning, kind of. I don't think there is a romantic reason, or is there?" George could see him smiling stupidly through the phone.

"Oh shut up" he simply said, rolling his eyes. He loved to tease Dream.

Dream was never even mad at him for doing it. That's why he loved to do it even more.

"Never" Dream said shortly after.

After that, there was a short break of talking.

'His voice sounds really soft and calming' George thought while neither of them talked.

George shook his head to get rid of these thoughts.

He was feeling really close to Dream, it was kind of awkward, but he didn't care at all. It made him quiet happy.

George had someone to talk to, to make jokes with, to mock, to tell stories to or just to listen after all.

He didn't know that he needed it, but he was grateful for having this right now.

"Aren't you tired yet? Usually, you fall asleep really fast" Dream claimed in a deeper tone than before. George noticed, that he probably was getting tired too, just like him.

"I don't want to sleep yet" George said, thinking if he should end his sentence there, but he didn't "I want to keep on talking to you".

He didn't expect anything at all, but he surely didn't expect Dream's answer.

"Let's keep talking then. I can stay awake for you" he answered pretty fast.

'That's really sweet' George thought for a second, but stopped again right after.

"Tell me something" George was sitting on his bed.

Dream thought for a second, before telling George another story.

George didn't really listen to his story, but more to the sound of his voice.

He was too much in his own thoughts.

'I won't have to wait two months, right? Maybe I will meet him tomorrow already... Or someday soon' George hoped.

"And that's why I'm not going into that store ever again" Dream finished and giggled shortly, waiting for a response.

"I see" George giggled back, not knowing what he was talking about.

"You're tired, Georgie" Dream said very softly.

"Wha- No, why?" George responded confused, meanwhile Dream giggled again.

"Do you even know what I was talking about?" his giggle sounded sweet when he said that.

"About the store" George said slowly after.

"Goodnight George" Dream said, but didn't end the phone call yet.

"Nonono" George replied fastly "don't end the call yet".

He wanted to spend as much time with him as he could. He didn't know when he could see him again, after all. He already missed him, even though he was still here in a call with him.

George wants to listen and tell him so much.

"You're tired, George. You need the sleep, stupidhead. Or else you'll sleep through the whole day tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow again anyways. Just like always." he giggled and continued speaking "Well, sorry, I meant today. It's 3am already".

George opened his eyes a little wider.

"It's 3am already?" he asked in disbelief "Sorry for keeping you awake for so long" he apologized and really felt a little bad.

"Don't worry, it was worth it. I'm happy that we talked that long, actually" Dream answered and yawned before he went on "I'd always stay awake for you that long after all, Georgie" he said in a jokingingly romantic tone.

George giggled, because of what he said and finally wished Dream a good night, even though he didn't really want to end it yet.

"Goodnight, sleep well" Dream said sleepy, before ending the call.

George laid back on the bed he was sitting on for hours now.

He was so tired, but he didn't tell Dream.

His eyes were already struggling to be kept open and were closing every second against his will.

George sighed and decided to go to sleep now for real.

Today was the best day he had for a long time, he was more than sure.

~ 755 words

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