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The first stage to healing
Is forgiveness.

By kiyarh

He blew open the door. His pulse raced down and he breathed heavily,almost as if he would burst. His muscles grew tense and he cracked his knuckles. His body temperature rose and he could feel his blood boiling. A vein from his neck popped out and he yelled directly at raheenah. "How dare you speak to me like in that manner?"

His voice was so loud,so thunderous,that raheenah couldn't concentrate on what he said. He became a different person,his eyes had warped into a miserable black.

"I'm talking to you"anger curled hot and unstoppable in his gut,like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn him from the inside out.

"I....I...."she couldn't find the right words to say to him. She was scared she has never been scared like this and she has never seen ridwan this angry before. What has she done ! She is a dead meat now !

"I'm sorry"raheenah mumbled guitly. Her face not meeting his,she really regretted ever saying that. Why did she even say that ?

"This should be the last time this happens"he warned pointing his finger at her,she nodded without saying anything and he left banging the door hard enough to make her flinch in fear.

"What have I done. I made ya ridwan angry"she shook her head making herself comfortable on the bed. "I don't even know how to face him again"

She was deep in thought when her phone jolted her out of it, without taking a glance at the caller she picked the call and placed the phone against her ear.

"Hello"she said her voice very low.

"Heenan you okay ? Why didn't you shout my name,you don't miss me right?"the caller asked,her eyes opened widely. She was surprised !

"Ya daddy"she shouted with a wide smile. She really missed him,he wasn't able to attend her wedding because he and his wife went to California. "I miss you so much,when are you coming back?"

"This week in Shaa Allah,we are coming straight to your house don't keep your house messy o ! I don't like dirt"he joked and she laughed the incident long forgotten.

"My house isn't messy but yours is"she retorted sarcastically. "I'm so glad you're coming back,I can't wait to meet minal,how is she ?"

"I'm not bringing my daughter with me to your messy house"he teased raheenah further. She poured and rolled her eyes.

"Ya daddy stop calling my house messy"she protested loudly.

"I won't until I see it myself"

"Tell me when you are coming"she said excitedly. She can't wait for him to get back.

"So that you will tidy your house up koh"he teased her Further. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Yes you got me"she heard him yelled happily. As if he has won a game.

"Okay bye see you"he said and without waiting for her reply he hung up the call.

She smiled keeping the phone aside. Having nothing to do she picked up her phone again and dialed ruhainah's number. She didn't call her. She miss everyone especially her mother. She didn't even call her up !

"Hey ruhy !"she teased when ruhainah picked the call.

"Stop calling me that ya Heenah"raheenah rolled her eyes at that. "Missed me?"ruhainah asked smiling widely as if raheenah can see her.

"I won't lie. I'm missing you so soo much"she said honestly. "How is mom?"she asked guiltily. She didn't call her up yet so why wouldn't she feel guilty.

"She is fine Alhamdulillah. Just healing from your absence. You were not able to reach her on the phone right?"

"Oh my Allah greet her for me"raheenah didn't answer ruhainah's second reply she wanted to think about that. "Yes I was not able to reach her. Why is that?"she lied so she won't get blamed for forgetting to call up her own mother.

"Her phone got stolen during the wedding"ruhainah replied a hint of pity and disgust in her voice.

"Inna lillahi how comes. Some people don't fear Allah wallah"raheenah shook her head. She heard the door bell being ranged. "I think someone is by the door let me go check. Talk to you later"she said and hang up.

She got out of bed and sauntered out of the room to check who is at the door. She opened the door and mufida stood there with a basket in her hand wearing a big smile. She hugged raheenah immediately.

"I missed you so much"she broke out of the hug. Raheenah moved for her to pass and enter the house.

"I missed you too but I'm still angry with you"she said closing the door behind her.

"Why ? Did I do anything wrong?"she asked sitting on the couch,keeping the basket on the table.

"Yes,you brought food and just left without even waiting for me to come downstairs,hmmm?"she took a seat beside mufida.

"I'm sorry I was in a hurry"she stated,her smile dropping a little.

"What happened why are you sad all of a sudden?"raheenah asked when she noticed the sudden change of mufida's face.

"I told umma and dad everything today"she said and she felt a lone tear slipped down her cheeks.

"You did the right thing mufida by telling them the truth about everything that has happened. They won't be left in the shadows anymore. You feel more lightheaded right?"she asked and mufida nodded with a small smile.

She doesn't know how she feels right now. Telling them everything does not change a thing. She is still a murderer ! A fucking murderer !

"You should stop worrying about anything,by doing this you've shown me that you are ready to move on and forget everything. I'm so proud of you"she said and held her hands. "we are all with you in this"

"I know heenah. Despite all I've gone through you are still by my side not like the person I was always depending on"she said disgustingly and shook her head.

"It's all about haidar right?"raheenah chuckled lightly shaking her head.

Mufida rolled her eyes. "Yes"she replied.

"What are you going to do about him"she asked staring intensely at mufida waiting for her to reply.

"I'm already done with him"she said proudly clapping her hands together.

"Wow"she cheered sarcastically. "You did a great job then. Tell me,what did you do now?"

"I met with him today"she said blowing air to her nails. She feels like a queen after getting rid of Haidar. "I told him I'm leaving and left without saying anything"

"Where are you going to then,are you leaving for real?"

"Yup"she answered happily. "To Dubai,I'm going there to finish my studies"

"Your father agreed?"raheenah asked narrowing her eyes at mufida.

Mufida nodded continuously and said. "Yes he agreed with it,in fact I'm leaving next week in Shaa Allah"

Raheenah hugged her tightly and said. "I'm so happy for you even though I'm going to miss you so much"

Hey !!!!

Sorry for the long wait guys ! I hope his chapter cheered you up !

Bye ♡



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