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"We're here"ridwan announced forcing her out of her thoughts. She nodded in response then pick up her clutch and got out of the car.

The building was quite and peaceful,sa'eed is not home he is in school. Ridwan's father is also not home only his mother, ya sule's wife and daughter.

Suhaila opened the door and they entered after exchanging pleasantries. Raheenah collected surayyah from suhaila, she was sleeping not wanting to wake her up, she laid her down on the couch.

"sannun ku dazuwa" ridwan's mother beamed giving raheenah a side hug.

They both greeted her, raheenah sat down on the carpeted floor close to the chair her mother in law sat.

"How are you doing?"she questioned staring at the both of them.

"Alhamdulillah"raheenah replied shyly, she is not in her aunt's house anymore rather her in-law's house, to her everything is different.

"Umma you've forgotten about your handsome son koh" he pouted placing his hands against his chest.

"Why wouldn't I?"she asked and he chuckled lightly shaking his head. "When I've a beautiful daughter like this"raheenah had to suppress back her laughter because of the funny reaction on ridwan's face.

"I see"that was the only thing that came from him. She is indeed beautiful, even more beautiful than muhibbah and she can cook very well unlike muhibbah, is not that muhibbah can't completely cook, she can but only when she watch a video or something.

He stared at raheenah, she felt the gaze, because he was staring very intensely at her, she look up and their eyes locked, so many unspoken emotions were exchanged. His eyes bore into hers with so much emotions.

It was become too intense for her to handle and the fact that he is staring at her that way in front of his mother, she felt very uncomfortable with it.

She shifted her gaze away from him and to her hands, she played with the ring on her hand as she tried to compose herself, she felt the urge to look up again because he was still staring at her lost in his own world, she badly wanted to stare at those enticing dark orbs.

His mother cleared her throat, she was amusingly watching the duo with utmost surprise. She may have mistaken, but she saw the love the both of them have for each other in their eyes. A small smile appeared on her face. Her long lost son is coming back, he is gradually and slowly forgetting about his past. She turned and look at raheenah, she held raheenah's chin and raise her head up to look at her.

Ridwan is changing and it is all because of you she wanted to say this to her but instead, she planted a kiss on her forehead and muttered "Alhamdulillah"

"You love her more than me, I knew it"he interrupted with his jealous tantrums. Her mother signed him with her hands to come and he did, he sat down beside his mother on the couch, she grabbed his ear and pulled him down, he was not seated on the floor beside his wife, raheenah.

"The two of you were forced into this relationship, I was not happy about it, because I thought it wasn't wrong for the both of you I was worried that it won't work out but I was wrong. Ridwan I know this is hard for you, just be patient and everything will turn out well, raheenah is a very good girl, my sister has agreed to get her daughter married off to you, she did that because she has a lot of trust in you, she believes that you will take care of her daughter in her absence. No matter what you do don't hurt her ridwan, I know you"

She held raheenah's right hand and ridwan's hand, she held both the two hands and said. "I want the both of you to stay together till eternity, no matter what problem you two are facing I want you to overcome it together, sit down and find the right solution to it. You are made for each other, and I want this relationship to last longer, I want to see your children, my grandkids grow up"she laughed at her last statement and continued.

"Stay blessed"raheenah smiled weakly at her mother in law.

"Umma you don't need to worry about anything, I'm here"he assured, she smiled and cupped his face with hands, she placed a kiss on his forehead and his cheeks.

"I know, promise me one thing then"he nodded and she smiled. "Keep raheenah happy, don't you ever make her sad even in my absence"

Ridwan hesitated for a while before giving her a reply, the reply he was sure he won't regret saying it.

The decision he is about to make and the promise he want to fulfil for his mother isn't easy but all he knows that he will try his very best in keeping raheenah happy.

"I promise you umma, I promise you I will keep her happy now, always and forever"raheenah felt something different in her heart, for the first time after 16 years, she felt the same thing she has felt for Ridwan.

Her heart what as ease, she felt calm and relaxed. She has high hopes now that mufida's advice will surely work without her being worried about it.

But is she only happy because mufida's advice is going to work out
Or ?
She feels the love she has for Ridwan won't be one sided for long !

Barkanku da warhaka !

I updated in a row guys! Cheers to me I really tried sha...

And I'm super tired I think I'm going to take a two month break but I'm not sure fah

So guys how was the chapter ?




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