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Maryam glanced at the caller ID,hissed before cutting the call. Her mother have been observing her for sometime.

"Why aren't you picking up the call?"her mother questioned, arching her brows at Maryam.

She felt the urge to roll her eyes,but she wouldn't dare do that to her mother even though the relationship between her and her mother isn't a good,she is still her mother.

"Who is it?"her mother questioned again.

"Who else,if not Umar"she replied, nonchalantly.

"Maryam,what's wrong with you ?. Call him up right now"her mother ordered and she felt her mouth fell opened. "I'm talking to you,call him up"she repeated, raising her voice. Maryam clamped her eyes shut with a flourish,to demonstrate her displeasure.

She bounced on her toes and started walking away,but her mother held her hand and turned her around.

"Why are you being so strong-headed Maryam?"

"Why are you forcing me into this Maa ? Why do you hate me so much ?. If father was here then none of th_"

Her mother cut in. "_And what exactly do you know about your father ?" At that point a lump of pain blocked her heart.

"The person who was never there for you. The person who abandoned you while you were a child. The person who never loved you and took you as nothing but a mistake"

"Maa,what are you saying?"she asked,confused. Her eyes were gleaming with tears.

"Yes,that's the truth believe it or not. I was there for you the whole time,I catered for your needs and everything. Your father never cared to call or visit to see how we are all doing"

"Bu...b...but my father is dead right?"

"No Maryam. Your father is alive!"her mother felt her whole body heat up as she recalled all the things that had occured between her and her husband in the past.

Maryam shook her head continuously. Her heart pounded away and her head was in a swirl. Had she been caught up in a tornado,or was she having a nightmare ?.

Maryam suddenly saw the tiled floor on which she stood caving in,her entire world collapsing on her head,as she sobbed.

"I need to be alone"Maryam said,gazing at one spot as if she were talking to herself before running off to her room and slamming the door shut.

All this while her father was alive,he was never dead. Her mother had lied to her and kept her away from her father.

She sprawled herself on her bed and cried into her pillow.

The memories of the last time she saw her mother flashed through her memory,she couldn't help but cry harder.

F l a s h b a c k

Six year old Maryam jumped happily on her fluffy bed,her pink teddy bear clutched tightly in her hands.

"Stay still Maryam,I've to button your shirt"her mother stated and she nodded with a little shake of her head. Maryam danced together with her teddy bear,humming one of her best nursery rhymes.

"Maa,when is dada coming back?"she questioned,chewing on her pinky finger.

"He will be back later. Now let's go have breakfast"Maryam flinged her pink teddy bear and jumped off the bed. She took her mother's hands and together they walked down the stairs.

Maryam ran into the kitchen and stood on her toes to check the pot.

"What's for breakfast today,nanna?"Maryam questioned referring to their maid.

"Your favourite,Apple and raisin pancakes"nanna replied with a smile. Maryam licked her lips and jumped clapping her hands together.

"Maryam,come here"her mother called out to her. She answered and ran to her mother who was seated on the dining table waiting for breakfast to be served.

"Sit, breakfast will be served soon"

"Maa,is dada back yet?"she questioned, impatiently.

Her mother ignored her and sighed. She picked her up and dropped her on her laps circling her arms around her.

"How was your first day at your new school,uhmm ? Did you make new friends?"

She pouted and turned to face her mother. "I really like the school,Maa. Yes,her name is safna she is really nice"

"Breakfast is ready"nanna announced placing the warmers down on the table. Maryam came down from her mother's laps and ran to where nanna is standing.

"Yayyyy"she yelled, happily. Her father long forgotten.

Nanna served her and pour enough milk into her cup before moving to serve Maryam's mother.

"Don't worry,I will do it myself"she said with a wide small. Nanna nodded and went back to the kitchen to have her own breakfast.

"I want more"Maryam exclaimed,her mouth filled with pancake.

Her mother shook her head and said. "No talking while eating Maryam"

The door clicked and opened. Her father entered with his suitcase. She turned her mouth wide opened. She dropped her fork and ran to her father.

He crouched down to her level and took her in his arms.

"Dada"she yelled and giggled happily.

"My little angel"the corner of her mouth quirked up. She danced happily and led him into the house by dragging his hands.

"Welcome back"she collected the bag from him and took it to his room and he followed her suit with Maryam beside him telling him about how her first day at school was without even being asked.

Her mother shook her head a little and smiled.

It is very obvious that her daughter loves her dada more than her. She had to ask her before she told her about how her day went but she told her father without being asked.

"Dada where is my gift"Maryam questioned with a wide grin plastered on her face.

"Let dada rest first,he just returned from a long journey. I'm sure he didn't even have his breakfast"her mother chimed in making her to pout.

"No,it's okay. I'll have the breakfast later"



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