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Raheenah groaned offing the alarm,she wanted to wake up early today,she is going to start cooking today. She can't believe she has to cook everyday for her and ridwan,she is too lazy for that but she will try.

She stretched her arms and yawned loudly. Saying her dua she got out of bed, ridwan was still sleeping as if he wasn't suppose to go to mosque to pray subhi.

She scratched her eyes and yawned again,dragging her lazy self to ridwan's side to wake him up. "Ya ridwan,get up"she said her voice sounding very low.

"Hmmm,let me sleep more"he groaned covering his face with his pillow.

Raheenah removed the pillow and half yelled. "Get up,you've to go to the mosque"she tapped his arm lightly. "Ya ridwan"

"Okay,I'm up"he said and opened his eyes,not ready to got out of the bed.

"No,you are not"she protested removing the duvet off him. Ridwan groaned loudly and got up.

"Happy now?"he asked and entered the bathroom to have his ablution,raheenah arranged the bed and waited for ridwan to come out so she can also perform ablution.

Ridwan came out of the bathroom and changed into a white jallabiya. "I'm off to the mosque"he announced,raheenah hummed and entered the bathroom.

Done with the prayer, she folded the praying mat and her hijab, she kept it inside the wardrobe and sashayed out of the room. Ridwan was suppose to have come back home by now, but he was nowhere to be seen. Raheenah checked for him outside but she didn't find him, she sighed and came back in.

She was scared because of the recent kidnapping that is going on in this country nowadays, you are not safe even in your house. People are so cruel.

"What if ya ridwan has been kidnapped?"she gasped closing her mouth with her palms, she paced back and forth in the living room. "Let me call him up"she thought and ran up the stairs to her room to get her phone, she turned the doorknob and was about to enter when she felt like the door opposite her room was opened, it was always locked and from the looks of it, it seems like the master bedroom, that means it was Muhibbah's room. But why was it open she thought as she peeped inside the room.

She saw ridwan seating on the queen sized bed, he held something in his hand, it looks like a photo or something and he was saying something she couldn't hear all she could hear was his sobs.

"Is ya ridwan crying?"she asked herself and decided to enter the room, she stopped on her tracks her thoughts taking over her. "I shouldn't interfere in this matter since his ex wife is involved I don't want to get another shouting or scolding from ya ridwan, but why is the room always locked?" She turned and close the door quietly and left minding her own business, well she is trying in doing that but curiosity kills the cat .

"I will check it out later, when he is out"she bit her pinky finger slowly, thinking of how to execute the plan. The door to Muhibbah's room is always locked, but where is she going to find the keys to the room.

Putting the thought aside, she brought out the ingredients she wants to use in making the breakfast. She brought out two Avocados from the fridge and kept it aside.

It took her just 43 minutes to make the Avocado Toast and some coffee. She arranged the warmers, trays and cups neatly on the table and went back into the kitchen to clean the mess she made.

A sigh of relief escaped her mouth, she was tired already. She heard the sound of ridwan's footsteps coming down the stairs, she removed the apron and hang it on the hanger and descended out of the kitchen.

"Morning ya ridwan"she greeted after he took his sit.

He smiled wearily at her and replied her greeting with a simple 'morning' , she served him the Avocado Toast and the coffee. She was already done with hers when she look up at his plate, it looked like he didn't even touch it or eat it.

"Ya ridwan"she called but he was lost in another world, he was lost in thoughts, he let it flowed in him, he didn't even hear raheenah calling his name more than ten times.

She snapped her fingers at him, he flinched and blink his eyes, he is not fully back to reality. "Hibbah's not funny"he whined smiling like a fool, raheenah felt something she has never felt in her heart, it was beating faster and aching at the same time. So it is all about her she though as she released a ridiculous laughter, forcing ridwan out of his dreamy world.

"What happened?"he asked unaware of what he just did, raheenah nodded and said rather too quietly, it came out like a whisper.

"Nothing"she picked up the plates and left, leaving ridwan clueless of why she was quite all of a sudden.

Entering the kitchen, she felt like thrashing the plates but she isn't ready to clean the mess, she kept it on the sink and stopped to think.

Why did she acted that way when ridwan mentioned Muhibbah's name ?

Was she angry because he didn't mention her name ?

That means she is jealous !

Why would she be jealous when she don't like him ?

The questions, the facts, the truth, kept coming, she tried so hard to control them, she shook her head and frown, i was not jealous, it is normal to feel this way, he is my husband after all" she assured herself, turning to the dishes, Ridwan cleared his throat to make him presence known to her, she got scared and she almost threw away the saucer she was washing.

"Where are you lost to?"he asked keeping his plate down in the sink. "And why are you talking to yourself,are you okay?"he asked sounding worried.

"Yes,I'm fine"she answered nervously.

"Okay?"he said and it came out like a question, he was still not convinced that raheenah was okay, she don't keep quiet like this, she is always talking,but she has changed so much, he remembered the raheenah he knew when they were little and use to be buddies.

She talks to much and is free and nice to everyone' but now she is too grumpy !

She doesn't hide her emotions or feelings on anything ' but now she don't do that at all, she doesn't like crowd and she is blending too much with the recent generation.

But everything changed when that terrible thing happened to mufida and everything worsen when ridwan got married.

He smiled at himself and shrugged when raheenah didn't answer him and left the kitchen.


Ria ♥

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