fate of the world - Part 2

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" so ... what's your choice ? " Minako asked her brother " do you want to kill Ryoji , or spare him and face Nyx ? "

" I want to fight ... " Minato said , sounding as if he was extracting every word with great force " the years I've lived in this world had taught me one thing , and that is how fierce we fight when we're cornered . There have been many instances in which it was do or die for us , and to this day I can't believe I was capable of surviving them ... our first encounter with the Reaper , nearly getting buried in the ground below a crumbling military base , many of our encounters with F.O.Es in Tartarus and more . Ryoji may think that defeating Nyx is impossible , but do you know what I think ? I think that I'm in my most powerful state when I think that all is lost "

" yeah , you're right ! Like when I awakened to Orpheus Telos ! " Minako proudly replied " the final tiebreaker is when the suspense exceeds the max ! "

" yes , it is ... " Minato sighed

" wait , why aren't you thrilled about it ? " Minako worriedly asked " we both want to fight , so let's do it ! Let's save the world ! "

" what about everyone else ? " Minato mumbled " not everyone gains this unworldly power at the face of impending doom , Minako , and some will just despair and pray for a swift end to their suffering . Think about it , in horror movies when the serial killer attacks , there are those who tense up and collapse in the ground only to stare at the murderer as he takes their lives away , and those who muster up the courage to fight back , and they are rare . I personally wouldn't blame anyone for wanting to give up , but I'm scared of thinking that they would ... "

" Minato ... "

" not to mention .... " Minato seemed on the verge of tears as he continued " there's this feeling I have ... that they blame us for what had happened ... think about it ... Ryoji was sealed inside us this whole time , we protected him and raised him ... then ... then we brought him back here to awaken the shadows and prepare for his return . In a way , this apocalypse is our f-"

" no ! I won't let you finish that ! " Minako stuffed a mouthful of broth into her brother's mouth " Nyx isn't our fault ! It's the fault of the grownups who oversaw the experiments on the Dark Hour , we've been through this already ! I don't think Nyx is our fault , you don't think that , believe me ! And no one in the dorm thinks that ! We've come this far by sticking together this whole time , they know it and we know it , and we'll fight this impossible battle and win against all odds ... together , just the same way we've done it so many times before ! I believe in us ! "

" Minako ... thank you ... " Minato sighed

A week had passed since Ryoji had revealed the truth to the members of SEES , and they had finally gathered the courage to at least look at each other and talk about the decision they needed to make . However , when they sat down to talk about it , no one said a word . Each one of them would work up a sentence to say , but it would disperse before it reaches their throat . And so silence remained dominant for a long time .

" so a week had already passed , what are we going to do ? " Yukari asked intently , but was met with everyone's blank stare " what's wrong ? "

" how are you this calm , Yukari ? "

" we have to make a decision , right ? If we don't , no one will ! " Yukari replied firmly

" yes ... " Mitsuru said thoughtfully " the Dark Hour has always been our responsibility , with how the public is unaware of its presence , so this choice is no difference from that ... "

" Sanada-san ... have you made a decision ? " Ken could only think of asking Akihiko

" I don't know ... the idea of running away sickens me ... " Akihiko mumbled

PERSONA 3 RED and BLUE ( COMPLETED ) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें