Akihiko Sanada-part 1

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Minako had club practice , but she couldn't go . Her body was still tired from fighting those powerful F.O.E from last night . She would have just brushed it off as being tired or not sleeping very well , but Rio noticed the twitching of her body from the pain she would feel around her injuries . The movement of her arm felt a little off , and she would flinch from anything that touches the side of her chest .

" I fell down the stairs " Minako explained with a sheepish smile

" since when have you been such a klutz ?! " Rio angrily asked her " your body has so much potential and you've come this far in your training . Are you seriously going to waste all this hard work by clumsily ramming yourself through accidents ! Get it together !"

" you sound more like Kaz with this excuse ! " Yuko joined in on the reprimand

" don't worry , I'll be fine . If I can fight ... I mean ... ! " Minako caught her slip up way too late

" fight ?! " Yuko and Rio gasped " you got into a fight ?! "

" n—no ! I told you I fell down the stairs ! " Minako defensively responded , as she grabbed her stuff and backed away slowly " I'm just tired . Tomorrow , I'll be fine . Promise ! "

" I did hear that Akihiko told her he would protect her in front of the station this morning "

" could it be that she got kidnapped by thugs !?"

Minako slipped away from her worrying friends , leaving them to discuss her health on their own . That day was very long for her , they had P.E in which she messed up a lot because of her injuries, then she was asked a question in science that she couldn't respond to , not to mention the absence of her brother because of his cold which made her feel like something was missing from her day . It was basically that kind of day where everything that could wrong actually went wrong . She just wanted to go back to the dorm and take a break from this mess , but her day wasn't over yet .

" excuse me " a bunch of high school girls approached her , some were her upperclassmen " you're the new transfer student who lives in Iwatodai dorm , right ? "

" I wouldn't call me new ... I've been here for a while now "

" yes , you're right , sorry . You live in the same dorm as Akihiko senpai , right ? We'd like to ask you a few questions about him"

Minako didn't like where this was going at all .

Throughout all of it Minako was trying her best to pull away from this situation , but she found herself in that fancy café of Paulownia mall

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Throughout all of it Minako was trying her best to pull away from this situation , but she found herself in that fancy café of Paulownia mall . The girls had insisted that she ' accept their invitation ' for some coffee and they claimed this café was the best in Japan . Minako had a knack for sweet stuff , and coffee wasn't her best option to drink . If she absolutely had to , she would settle for cream and sugar coffee . What they served her was black coffee , and it felt like it was on purpose .

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