Aigis - Part 3

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" man ! Ai-chan has such a sweet voice , and her fingertips turn into guns ... it's like something out of a manga ... " Junpei dreamily mumbled

" get your mind out of the gutter " Yukari grumbled

Minato was just glad he took Junpei and Yukari and left Minako with the more serious members . Last time they split up the team was in the first night in Tartarus and Minako ended with Junpei , which made things difficult for her .

" don't get used to it " he mumbled " she's a robot so she only follows orders "

"Dude ... you have a robot girlfriend who wants to—"

" it's not like that ! " Yukari eagerly interrupted " how would you explain her attitude toward Minako , then ?! "

" can you all just get in the mood ! We're being stalked by an F.O.E , you know ! "

" Minato-kun! " Fuuka called " this is terrible ! Now that the team has split up , I'm sensing the F.O.E around both you and Minako-san!!! "

" what ?! " Minato clutched his forehead and lamented " of course ! There were two F.O.Es in the previous block ! How could I forget such a thing ?! "

" I can sense the shadows approaching you and them , too ! Please hold your ground ! "

" damn ! Once we clear the shadows on our end we will regroup , I hope she does the same " Minato readied his sword and evoker , as the enemies began approaching them in large numbers " Junpei ! Remember when you said you'll do your best for that wild card in Innocent Sin Online ? Well now it's time to see if you meant business ! "

" speak for yourself ! Me and Hermes are gonna leave you staring behind ! "

Minato and Junpei fought aggressively , with Minato trying to finish the enemies as fast as he could to catch up with his sister , and rallying Junpei whenever he defeated an enemy by saying " is that really all you can do ?! Weak! Try harder ! "

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Minato and Junpei fought aggressively , with Minato trying to finish the enemies as fast as he could to catch up with his sister , and rallying Junpei whenever he defeated an enemy by saying " is that really all you can do ?! Weak! Try harder ! " . Junpei was only getting more fired up by Minato's words , and they continued fighting as if they were actually fighting each other . However , that was an unwise strategy , as the shadows were too many and were ambushing them almost constantly . Even though , Minato was trying to draw his team back , his team was always halted in their backtracking by an ambush . What made the situation much worse was the fog was weakening their Personas and causing even more headache to them . Eventually , it became painful to even think of calling a Persona .

" this is futile ! " Yukari groaned as her Persona eased the pain for the team " we need to run away ! "

" we're trying , Yukatan ! " Junpei yelled at her , impatient by the headache , before averting his anger to Minato " you do have a plan , right ? "

" here's a good plan ... Persona ! " Minato called both Narcissus and Pixie , charming every shadow " alright ! Let's—"

Yukari and Junpei were shocked as they saw Minato collapsing on the ground . Yukari rushed to his side as he stood up and was clutching his forehead . It was already painful for him at that point to call one Persona , but he actually went and called two at the same time . Thankfully , the charmed enemies were holding any more enemies that appeared , giving them enough time to recover .

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