Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 1

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Several high schoolers were gathering around one person , they seemed to be having fun , with their laughter shaking the entire hallway . However , one person among them , the one they gathered around , didn't seem as entertained . She was a plain looking girl , and despite how uncomfortable she was she didn't talk back to them . One girl took a cellphone from her pocket and pointed it at the plain girl , as if she was about to take a picture  of her .

" no ! Stop ! " the plain girl screamed

" I'm kidding ! " the girl with the phone laughed " don't be so uptight ! "

" cut it out , all of you ! " a boy sternly yelled at them out of nowhere , startling the crowd of girls in the process

" who ... who're you ?! "

" he's that transfer student , Minato Arisato ! "

" what're you doing here , anyway ? School is already over , go home ! " Minato said

" what we do after school is none of your business ! "

" it is my business when you barking in the hallway near the student council is interrupting our work ! Now you're gonna get lost or I'm reporting you to the council president , and you really don't want to see her mad ! "

" b—barking ?! "

" forget it , Natsuki ! If he tells Kirijo senpai , we will be in trouble " the girls left .

" um ... I'm sorry for troubling you " the plain looking girl said timidly

" what's your name , which class are you from ? "

" oh ... um ... I'm Fuuka Yamagishi , from class 2-E " the girl felt awkward " I didn't do anything wrong , did I ? "

" Fuuka , they're not here and they're not listening . Tell me , were they bullying you ? "

" bullying ? No , they weren't "

" don't shy away from telling on them . It's part of the student council duties to deal with these situations "

" I know , but you don't need to worry , we are friends "

" friends ? I think you need to look that word up in the dictionary " Minato sighed

" Minato ! " Minako peered through the door " Hidotoshi wants to talk to us all "

" coming ! " Minato turned from answering his sister to Fuuka " I have to go now , but I'll look more into it . Remember , if you have a problem , don't hesitate to tell us about it "

" of course " Fuuka nodded .

Yukari had just finished her club practice and was about to leave , when she was told the one who had to clean the club snuck out of the school before they could tell her , and Yukari found herself cleaning in their place since it would be her tur...

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Yukari had just finished her club practice and was about to leave , when she was told the one who had to clean the club snuck out of the school before they could tell her , and Yukari found herself cleaning in their place since it would be her turn next . As if her day couldn't get any worse , she heard some girls talking and laughing in a sickeningly loud voice

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