The Finale - Supernova

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The alarm was blaring when we stepped out of the lab. The red lights painted everything a haunting red, like blood shed everywhere. A quick check with A.I confirmed that everyone had evacuated the building. I remembered this feeling of panic and uncertainty for how the night would end, a night that never seemed to end. It was like that night all over again. The only difference is, I can't let her win this time.

"Where do you think she's headed?" Izzy asked.

"The reactor room. It's the most powerful thing in this building..."

"But-," Georgia asked reading my expression.

"There are fail's not even radioactive...there are so many easier way...I hate that I still can't see what she's planning. If i only knew what she stole..."

"Maybe we should ask."

"What?" we ran over to Izzy who stood behind the security desk. Sure enough, only one camera wasn't showing static. She stood there with her hands in her pocket.  Something had happened. She was furious and she was covered in blood. My blood went cold as my imagination ran wild with all the possibilities of what she could have done. As if she could see us through the camera, she raised the device that she stole and showed the camera.

"What is that?" Georgia asked, referring to the unearthly way it glowed when she tilted it mockingly. She smiled evilly then walked away from the camera. "What is that!" Georgia asked again panicked.

Finally I was able to regain command over my fear-stricken body as I quickly ran to the elevators, my feet sliding under me. 

"What is that!" Izzy asked panicked as I furiously hit the elevator button like that was going to make it come any faster. I swore and found open the door for the emergency stairs. I looked at the eternity of stairs that wound through the floors eternally above and below.

"You fly. To the top floor." She understood immediately and wrapped her arms around our waist. She barely jumped and we soared through the narrow space, the flights racing past us. She slowed down at the flight before the one that took us to the roof and lowered us to the ground.

Georgia stumbled dizzily off balance. "What is going on? Is she really going to create an atomic bomb?" I stepped aside so that Izzy could kick down the reinforced doors which lead us into a narrow vault and more reinforced doors. The space began to fill with anaesthesia as dictated in the security protocol. Izzy stumbled forward and kicked the door once again barely making a dent. I pushed past her and placed my eye in the retina scan but it was rejected after the security protocol had been activated.

"Cece!" Georgia yelled slurred before falling to the ground. 

"Georgia!" I bent over and shook her but she was out like a light. 

"Cece! You have to focus! You are the only one who can stop her. How bad is this if it all goes south?"

"It's like Chernobyl but in the heart of London with no concrete containment. There is a particle reactor in there. She's going to blast that rock of God knows what with antimatter."

"The whole city will be on fire," Izzy said drowsily realising what was going on but now too affected by the gas. She rammed herself into the wall again. I grabbed her and pushed her out of the fumes. 

"We have to get in from the outside," I said shaking her. She nodded and grabbed my hand. I held on for my life as a sudden force knocked me off of my feet. The world dissolved in a blur and the roar of bullet trains filled my head. We were flying in the air and then after the crash o a spray of glass we rolled onto the ground.

I pulled out my weapon and stumbled to my feet. We were in heart of the coiled reactor that wrapped around the perimeter of the room. It was large and thick, as it had to be too contain the temperatures that <came close> to those at the sun's core. The reactor was already activated. It was an experimental device. With it we were supposed to unlock the future of green energy. Now it may become a weapon of mass destruction.

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