21. Cece - Investigation; a search and seizure

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Jason was waiting in the corridor of vault where the medics were hauling the unconscious criminal away on stretchers. 'Ha Ha. Deserved!' I thought. CSI's canvased the crime scene. Quite frankly down here had way too many people to fit into such a narrow corridor.

Jason immediately pulled me into the corner by the vault door. "You have no idea what you've done! Look at the magnitude of this mess you've gotten us into! You have utterly embarrassed this company! Dragged our name through the mud! This is all your fault!"

I wished I could say that she shocked by his reaction, but I actually expected more. 'Who are you kidding. He's always waiting for you to slip up, more than he thinks you do every day, so of course he's not surprised. He expected this,' I thought.

I pulled my had out of his grasp. "Excuse me but what I have done? They tried to kidnap me! Twice! I'm the victim here!"

"Exactly! Right now, the authorities are on our doorstep all fighting to get in on an imaginary conspiracy or prove that we're colluding with the Russians. Not to mention every news organisation on the planet is taking turns burning our name to the ground!

"All I want to know s what is in that secret vault that no one knows about. I want to all the Hero's Dynasty secrets and I want to know them now! What are behind those doors and how big of threat to national security is it?"

I went to the door and pressed my hand against it causing the key pad to appear. "Retina scan, accepted. Dr Hero. Welcome."

There was a loud mechanical rolling sound and the heavy doors slowly slid open. Jason quickly peeped inside before all of the cops rushed in. "What was in there, what have they got and how long until the collateral damage bill falls on us. Please just tell the police everything, just make sure to check with our lawyers first, of course."

I sighed. "They're after me. They are after tech. They're after money. Jeez Jason, I didn't hire you for your looks so use your brain once in a while please." I shook my head. "It's like everyone gets into Harvard these days. You know, when I went there, they had standards."

Jason's face was red with absolute fury. His face was clashing with his hundred dollar suit. It can't be denied that he played the part of a middle aged, upcoming CEO of the world's largest tech company well. His black hair was always perfectly cut and gelled and he had a Rolex for each day of the week. Always wrapped snugly around his pale greedy wrist.

"Look, I don't have time for your childish antics. I run the world's largest most successful tech business. Business is booming. The government's begging you to build their satellites. We are the sellers of the C-phone X, the world's smartest, most popular smart phone. The phone which not only that broke the market but also has competitors scratching their heads trying to understand the technology just behind how it turns on."

"But..." I was about to wonder how he was going five seconds without bashing me. 

"We both know that they don't fully trust a company this successful with a black person's name on it. Now, make this easier for everyone and tell me what's behind those doors."

I sighed and looked into the vault. "Well I see a couple of cops, some of them are FBI, I think I'm seeing some CSI's, wait. Is that Georgia's cop friend, Darien?"

"Cece!" he yelled. "Why did I have to get YOU. A smart mouthed kid who thinks she's the next Einstein. What did Time call you? Real life Tony Stark. Have you framing it and hanging on your wall because you feel like something more than a dumb orphan. An inspiration maybe. It's only your father that prevented you from being a regular drug addicted, high school-drop-out, teen parent."

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