12. Cece - An attack on New York

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I was having a relatively normal day. I headed to work early to tinker on my bike. Then Jason and the assistant I am a hundred percent sure I fired three times already, stormed in and hustled me to get ready for the stupid waste of time called a product launch.

It didn't help that he wouldn't stop rattling about what a drag I was on the company and that he deserves a raise just for working with a dumb kid. You know, the usual Jason antics. But today was not a normal day.

As soon as the shaking began to get serious, Georgia pulled me off the stage. I followed her through a sea of panicked people, through the lobby, which eventually spilled on to the sidewalk.

We were outside just in time to see the blonde assailant finish her sonic attack on the building. "She's super powered," I said rummaging through my bag. 

"How? I thought you were the only person your dad altered? How can there be more?" Georgia asked.

I found what I was looking for: a large plastic pen. I balanced it in my hand and watched as people screamed and scattered, trying to evade the danger of a mad woman who can take down a building with only a scream.

My mind was made up. I had to help. I popped open the pen and in seconds my outfit had transformed to faded jeans, sneakers and an oversized Hero Labs sweatshirt. 

"Oh no you don't! You are out of your mind if you think that I'm letting you get yourself killed in some terrorist attack," Georgia pulled me away to where she probably had an extraction lined up with a helicopter and trained ninjas. "We have to get out of here now!"

"Um Georgie, you do remember that there are technically only two things that can kill me, right?"

"Is one kryptonite?" Georgia asked sarcastically, reloading her gun. I rolled her eyes and used one hand to lower her weapon. With that came a loud rumbling and the building behind us finally gave away. Then by some miraculous force Georgia and I as well the crowds of persons standing next to us seemed to have been carried a block away from the cloud of dust and debris.

The masked assailant emerged from the dust cloud with her armed entourage. "Dear people of Manhattan!" the terrorist declared. "The name's Sonic Death. Be a dear and do one thing for me and you will see no further damage at my hands. Hand over Dr Hero or else I'll ensure that as far as Stratton Island will hear you pleading screams for mercy!"

Then something was placed inside of my palm. "Here," Georgia said handing me a ski mask. I smiled and pulled it on. Then all at once energy surged through my body carried by the adrenaline pumped by my speeding heart. I looked at her hands which were crackling with blue electricity.

I smiled at Georgia who never ceased to be bewildered at the feat. "I still got it." 

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