Chapter 41| Shona

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After that Neil headed down with the empty plates of food while Ahana dressed the kids In a traditional wear before heading down with them. As she came down she saw everything ready for the ceremony. Everyone was just waiting for the moon to come out so they can break their fast.

Sid:"Okay all the beautiful Malhotra ladies please join me for some amazing photo session "(Everyone laughed as the ladies headed towards them)

Preeti:"Sid take some great individual and groups pictures so we can post them on our social media accounts "

Sid one by one did a photo session of everyone. He took multiple pics with everyone alone then in couples then with kids. They even took a big family photo.

Sid:"Let's take one more while.."(He was interrupted as Bua entered the scene. The girls covered their heads.)

Bua:"what is going on here?"

Aryan:"dadi bua we are doing a photo session "

Bua:"What?"(She asked confused)

Rahul:"Jiji they all are just taking few photos for remembering this day"

Naira:"mumma let's take one more with dadi bua"

Ahana:"Yes baby we will"(She looked at Neil and he nodded his head)

Neil:"Come bua ji""(everyone started to stand in there position when bua ji frowned.  All couples were standing next to each other and the kids before them.)

buaji:"You all have literally forgot the rules of taking pictures as well"

Preeti:(Confused, says something in her low voice so everyone but bua ji hears as she has  bad hearing due to age)"Even in taking photos there are rules? "

Rahul:"What rule jiji?"

Bua ji:"my god this generation wait let me show you. Ahana Preeti Shruti go get 5 Chairs "(They looked confused but obligated)

They brought 5 chairs. Bua ji asked them to put the chairs next to each other. Then she asked the men of the house to settle on the Chairs leaving the middle one empty. So from left to right the order was Sid, Neil, empty chair,  Rahul,  and Rohan. Then she asked the ladies to go stand behind their respective husbands. She asked the kids to sit in front of their dad's. And she went and sat on the middle chair.

Bua ji:"This is how to set up for pictures "

Ahana:(To shruti and Preeti but Neil heard)"This feels like a royal family picture "
Preeti:"Yes bhabhi"

Shruti:"But it's fine we will get a royal look picture"

Ahana:"And bua ji will be happy that all that matters "(The other to nodded in agreement )

Naira:"Mumma I am confused "(She said looking at the seating arrangement. Keeping her hands on her hip)"where do I sit"

Ahana:(Smiling at her cuteness)"Wait let me help you. Ryan sit in front of Rohan bhaiya and Sameer sit in front of dad. Ansh sit in front of sid and Aryan you sit in front of Neil please. And princess you sit in front of Dadi bua"

Naira:(excitedly )"In the middle!"

Neil:"Yes baby"(Ahana made her sit in the middle but she didn't fail to notice the frown upon bua ji face seeing Naira. Not wanting a scene to be caused or her daughter to be hurt Ahana asked the servant who was clicking the pictures to start)

After the photo session. Everyone went out to the back yard area waiting for the moon who was teasing everyone and hiding in the clouds. Everyone was busy within themselves when Ahana got a text from Neil to Come to their room.

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