Chapter 23| Trips and Dates

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Kids:"Yeahhhh Thank you papaaaaa"(They said hugging Neil while he laughed )

Rahul:(slowly talks to Angali as everyone sees this scene )"You know each day Ahana surprises me. I mean I have seen Aarti with Neil as well but never have I seen someone being able to calm Neil down the way she does. "

Angali:"I know right. It's just been few months of their marriage and so much has changed. A year back I had almost lost hope of getting my son back but after Ahana came in his life. I can guarantee that soon enough all his fear will go away."

Rahul:"All I have now is one fear"


Rahul:"Their love. I am sure by now you can all see the relationship between them is much more then just a deal or even friendship. Love is clearly forming between them but this love will either free them both fully or destroy whats already is there"

Angali:(Getting a scary feeling within herself )"What do you mean?"

Rahul:(Signs)"Love is a very powerful and wonderful feeling Angali. We know because we have experienced love but we still can't predict what love will be to another. Everyone has a different love story with different situations. I am scared that when they both realize they love each other instead of being happy and living the beautiful moments they might break apart. They might feel guilty or idk I just hope our children don't have to face anymore troubles in their live"

They both looked on as Neil laughed with the kids and Ahana. The weekend passed in a jiff and today was the school trip day. The kids were super excited for the trip. Ahana and Neil both had gone to drop of the kids at the school where they will start their field trip.

Neil:"And remember what I said always stay together. Take care of each other and promise me to listen to the teacher and follow every direction "

Ahana:"Oh common Neil enough you have said that to them 20 times since morning( Neil scoffed as Ahana bend down to the kids level giving them each a kiss on the forehead and hugging them)"Have lots of fun and stay safe okay"

Teacher:"Common kids climb up"(The teacher called from the entrance of the bus. Kids lined up by the bus and one by one climbed on not before making sure to give their names to the teacher. After after all 20 kids boarded the bus. The bus driver started the bus to its destination )

The kids waved our of the windows and the bus left the school. Parents started to head back to their cars. Ahana signs as the bus leaves her sight, She turns towards Neil to see him still looking at that direction .

Ahana:(Keeping her hand on his shoulder )"I know how you feel Neil, but I promise it will be okay"(Neil signs as they walk back to the car and settled down)

Neil:(Sitting in the driver seat with the car still parked)"You might feel I am overreacting right?"(He said as he ran his hands through his hair)

Ahana:"Nonsense. why would I think that"

Neil:"I mean I could be overreacting about all this.. I don't even know it's just when ever I think of them being alone the fear of losing them comes back."

Ahana:(Looking outside )"If I tell you the truth that I am also scared will you feel better. (Neil turns his head and looks at Ahana who is still looking out the front window) I have always been scared since that incident. The feeling of losing someone stays with you forever I guess. The feeling of being scared and not being able to share it is much worse. (She chuckled sadly )"I still remember the first day of Ansh's school. I acted all strong in front of maa papa and sent Ansh but the whole day I was unable to do anything.  I probably even had few anxiety attacks thinking of all this"

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