Chapter 61| Worried

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Next day....

Today was Saturday, A holiday for the kids and even Men of Malhotra household. The morning routine went as normal with everyone getting freshened up and met at the dinning table for breakfast. Today was a bright sunny day with the weather around 73° Fahrenheit.

As Everyone completed their breakfast while chatting, Ahana informed everyone about Prabha's invitation to Ahana and Neil for dinner.

Rahul:"That's a good plan. You haven't visited them since before the trip. I am sure they missed you. Infact Angali Maybe next week why not plan a family dinner here."

Angali:"That's a good plan Rahul. Ahana do inform Prabha ji. Though I'll call her tomorrow anyways"

Ahana:"Okay mumma"

Ansh:"Papa today you promised to play"

Neil:"Did I?(He said as he faked thinked)

Aryan/Naira:"Yesss Papa... "

Neil:( Laughed)" alright then. Why don't you 3 go where a jacket then we can play and Aryan bring the soccer ball as well"

Ansh/Naira:(Running to their room)" Yeahhhhhhh"

Aryan:"Okay Papa"(He said running after them.)

Everyone slowly retired to their respective works while Ahana and Preeti cleaned the Table and Shruti instructed the workers for lunch plans. Ahana was sitting on the sofa seeing something Preeti was showing her on her phone when she beard the kids voice. As she looked in that direction, She saw the kids along with Neil coming down all dressed. Neil had a ball in his hands while Aryan had a Jacket in his.

Aryan:( Coming towards Ahana)" Mumma here."

Ahana:(Seeing her jacket in Aryan's hands)" Baby this?"

Aryan:"Mumma you also came naa"


Aryan:"Yes mumma pleaseeeee"

Ahana:( Smiles)" Okay okay let's go"

Aryan:(grins)" Thank youuuu"(He kissed her cheeks before hugging her tightly)

Ahana and Neil along with the kids headed out to the front yard area. Ahana went and sat on the grass taking the shade of the trees while Neil started to instruct the kids and they began their game. Ahana smiled seeing them all. Neil was moving the ball left to right from his feet while the kids tried to take the ball from him.

As Ahana was enjoying seeing her precious people happy, her phone rang. She looked down to see an unknown number and to her surprise this number was also an out of India number. She felt strange but neither less picked the call up.

Ahana:"Hello....Hello? Hello is anyone there?"( She frowned hearing nothing but silence in response)

Ansh:( Yelling )"Mumma pass the ball"( Ahana looked up to see the soccer ball coming towards her. She picked it up and throw it towards Ansh)

Ahana:" Careful Ansh"( She yelled back as she saw Ansh about to trip over the ball but sighed in relief when Neil picked Ansh up before he could fall. Ahana smiled seeing neil throw Ansh in the air as the kids and his laugh rang in the place. Ahana Again looked at her phone to see it still connected to the call. Without saying anything she cut the call)

After some time Neil made the kids busy within themselves and headed towards Ahana. He saw her busy on her phone, so he sat down next to her and kept his head on her lap.

Neil:"What is my shona doing?"

Ahana:"Just reading"(She said showing him her phone screen which had a novel opened on it)" Tired?"( She asked as Neil snuggled into her stomach closing his eyes)

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