Chapter 8| Engagement

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Neil:"I am sorry. I.. I should have yelled at you like that. I was just worried. (he takes a breath in and releases it beforw continuing ) since Aarti..left...I was lost. I have never given my kids responsibility to anyone else. From small things to big I have taken care of it. Even when there was a big meeting or big deal I would cancel it if it comes in between me and my kids. Today out of no where this issue came up. I tired to get dad or sid to do it but everyone was busy. I had no choice but to attend the meeting. That why I called Preeti. Throughout the whole meeting my mind didn't leave from the kids. After I reached home I got to know that you still haven't dropped the kids home. I got worried. My mind wasn't working and I..I yelled at you. I am sorry"

All this while Ahana was looking at Neil who was just looking like a kid explaining his mistake to his teacher. She had never seen him like that before. All she had seen was a strict arrogant full of anger man who is only sweet and kind to the kids. This side of him was amusing her. Though she was confused why but she felt a strong connection with this man. Though they were gonna be husband wife within few weeks, this connection that she was feeling was something different. Something strong.

Ahana:(Seeing Neil apologize)"its okay. you don't need to apologize. I understand your worry. I am also sorry for getting frustrated back there. I understand how you feel with Aryan and Naira. After the death of Rajeev, Ansh became my world. Nothing matter to me except him. So I understand ur emotion. "

Neil:"Still I am sorry "

Ahana:"Okay I think this is enough sorry for today"(She said while he nodded )"Umm actually today at school..."(before she could complete, Neil's phone rang)

Neil:"One min"(on call)"yeah dad. No. oh okay I am on my way"(to Ahana )"I actually got to go sorry. "

Ahana:"no it's okay."(They bid by to each other and headed home.)

The evening pass by fast and or was night. Neil heads to the kids room to see Naira peacefully sleeping on the bed while Aryan working on something on his table.

Neil:"Aryan champ why aren't you a sleep "

Aryan:"I was just finishing my project. I just have to write my name and then I am done"(He said as he did the final stuff before cleaning up. All this while Neil sat on the bed looking at Aryan)

Neil:(picking up Aryan and making him sit on his lap)"So champ how was ur day"(Aryan looked down)"What happened champ"

Aryan:"papa today after school.."(And he tells Neil how the lady accuses him and how Ahana saves him and takes the situation in control )

Neil became angry hearing the lady was gonna slap Aryan. Neil is very protective of his kids as you might know already. No one can be saved from his anger of they even think of hurting Aryan Naira and now even Ansh. But hearing what Ahana did gave him a little assurance that his choice to re marry is not gonna go waste. While all this one more thing stuck out which was Aryan referring to Ahana as Ansh's mom. He has heard Naira call Ahana mumma and Ansh calls him papa but Aryan and still not accept Ahana.

Neil:"Baby why do you not call Ahana mumma? do you not like her?"

Aryan:"Papa idk. My friends all talk about step mom being bad and taking away ur dad from you. I dont want go loss you like mumma.."

Neil:(hugs him)"Champ do you remember when you first went on the Fairis Wheel. You were scared because your friend told you that it is scary. But then when you went on it you enjoyed it so much that now it's your favorite right "

Aryan:"yes papa"

Neil:"What lesson did you learn that day? That you should judge a book by its cover. You learned that day that you should always try something before getting an opinion right ?( Aryan nodded)"Then why are you not giving Ahana a chance. Baby I know that there are many stories that show step moms being bad, but we what about Krishna ji. His mother was also not his real mother. But you saw na she loved him more then anyone could have. Champ you should atleast give Ahana a chance."

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