Chapter 14

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"Before I answer that question..." Irene stopped for a second and stared at the Crown Prince with a chilling gaze, then continued. "Do you think I'm stupid, someone was clearly in this room before I entered," Josiah's eyes widened, "What do you mean?" he asked after he had calmed down quickly.

Irene was certainly not stupid, she has always been observant with her surroundings even as Cha-hee.

Irene smiled, "First of all, before I even entered the facial expressions of the knights outside were a bit odd," by odd, Irene noticed that they knew something, and that was a red flag to her. "Not only that before I sat down one of the chairs in front of you seemed that someone was sitting there before I entered."

Josiah had a calm expression, "Is that so,"

Irene was not finished yet.

"You were the biggest red flag, your eyes wandering while reading the book, you weren't even reading this past half hour, I bet you still at the same page you were when I entered," Josiah's expression changed, he was shocked then he smiled.

That sent chills down Irene's spine.

"You are really the Grand Duke's daughter," he said.

"Why thank you- wait no," Irene responded before she was cut off by Josiah's voice.

"You may come out now," he calmly spoke. Suddenly a child, well he looked somewhere near my age came out of hiding. He had purple hair that was a bit long, that was tied up in a small ponytail, and had scary gray eyes. He was also wearing a knight uniform.

Irene sat there looking at him, "Do you have water or tea somewhere?" she asked Josiah then pointed to a table that had cups of tea. Irene went there, got her some tea, and sat back down. She drank the tea, and spit it out, wiping her mouth afterward.

Both boys were shaken by this sudden action.

Irene, who recognized this boy right away, Darius Acton, from the Acton Household, their position Duke of the North. Quite powerful and has tons of influences. Their household usually produces scholars and knights.

Darius Acton, the Crown Prince's right-hand man other than Trevor of course, has known as Alice's friend and supporter. He also had feelings for Alice, like other men, but quickly lost it, it was an unknown reason why that happened.

Darius didn't really like Irene, but didn't hate her, but had a cold manner towards her. Now he is standing here in front of her and was listening to the conversation.Irene couldn't be even more annoyed of today.

Irene got off her chair and walked away to put back her book.

She came back with an annoyed expression and asked, "Why was he listening in to our conversation?"

Josiah sighed, "Sorry about that, but a Prince could never be let alone with someone so I just brought him, I wouldn't think you notice though," he looked sorry, so Irene just nodded.

She looked at Darius and asked, "Are you going sit down or stand?" Darius sat down beside Josiah in response.

"Yes, I am interested in spirits," she answered Josiah's question from before, Josiah who was surprised by the sudden answer and pointed at a section of the library.

"There should be some information," Irene quickly got off her seat and walked there hurriedly, and saw many old books, Irene quickly grabbed each one and brought back many to the desk and started flipping, and flipping and flipping...

"Is this even a human speed?" Josiah asked stunned, Darius shrugged in response, Irene smiled.

Moon Cha-hee, golfed herself in fantasy novels and web novels, her reading speed was fast. Irene Gracia, who only grew up reading all the books she had, was a fast reader. Irene continued flipping pages after pages.

Irene stopped, the boys flinched from sudden action, "What? My eyes are tired and dizzy, I want to go outside, would you like to join me, I am talking to both of you," Irene asked in a tired voice.

"I am fine with that, Darius?" Josiah said, and Darius just nodded. Irene, who was already at the door gave Darius a side glance, "He is not much of talker..."

Josiah laughed, "Yeah I know right?" Darius gave a glare to Josiah, "I can talk." he said sternly by that time Irene had already left for the garden.

"She left without us," Darius said, "Oh yeah," Josiah responded, the boys caught up to Irene later.

"What was the point of asking us when you just left," Darius scoffed, "So now you talk hm?" Irene responded, Darius gave a 'how dare you' expression, Josiah just sighed.

"Look, if you just left-" Josiah spoke, but then was cut off by an elbow poking at him, Darius notified Josiah that Irene once again left them to see the white roses.

"Seriously?" Josiah asked, "Yup," Darius nodded, "She is such-" Darius was about to complain when he heard someone shout.

"Hey, I can hear you!" Irene shouted.

Both boys just sighed, "Did you know there was this kind of side to her," Darius asked, in response, Josiah just shook his head. "Seems like we are going to learn- hey isn't that your sister?" Darius asked. "Yup, Sasha had been close to the library just in case Irene came out so she could play with her," Josiah said.

The boys just walked over to where Irene was, and let's just say not a bad first meeting. Irene probably does not want to admit it, but it would be great to have more friends.

"Did you have fun?" Elle asked while we were on the carriage the way home, Irene just nodded, "So it wasn't that bad?" Ralph asked, Irene, nodded her head again.

Ralph and Elle both looked at each other and had the same statement in mind.

'We succeed!'

"Are you guys flirting again?" Irene questioned as she watched those two turn red, "I guess you were," Irene concluded.

"No, Lady was j-just..." Elle explained as Ralph supported her, the whole explanation made it seem like those two were actually flirting. Since in the end, Irene was just joking and teasing, but those two literally made the situation worst for themselves.

As they arrived home, they were greeted with 2 unexpected guests, Lucas and Trevor, let's just say Irene did not slam the carriage door after opening it and opening it again as if nothing happened.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" Irene asked worriedly.

"Pack your bags, dear sister, we are going to the East," Lucas said in a joyful tune.

Trevor just sighed.

Elle and Ralph looked at each other a gulped, Irene who was just standing right in front of the carriage and just got home from a tiring day was just delivered another tiring news, Irene couldn't help, but curse at this situation.

"Duck," Irene said.

~Author's Note~

Yay! Posted 2 chapters this week since why not, any who before you think it is a mistake Irene meant to say "Duck" instead of "Fuck" out loud. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I personally think it was a bit crappy, but a chapter is a chapter. I can't explain my love for this music piece for this chapter. LOVE YOU GUYS AND ALL OF THE SUPPORT LIKE WTF OVER 5K VIEWS!!!!!

1151 words, jeez


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