Chapter 21

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"Traitor...traitor," Irene mumbled to herself, she felt like she was solving some type of murder case as she wrote down her theories.

By 'as she wrote down her theories' she meant, her doodles, Irene was left clueless about this situation, if only she finish the novel before dying.

"Stupid brothers," Irene was fuming if she didn't answer that call or if she answered it after crossing the street she won't be here. "Now thanks to them, I am here solving a whole mystery, basically asking to get myself killed," Irene sighed deeply as messed up her hair.

"No- it's the author's fault, why didn't you give them a happy ending?!" she cried out, luckily she told her maids to just stay outside of the door as she throws a little tantru- she means as she studies.

Irene looked at the book beside her that she had found, 'How to Summon Elemental Spirits,' she was overjoyed when she found this, at home, there was barely anything on spirits, seemed like they were trying to erase the facts of it.

"Ah at least one thing is going my way," Irene smiled as she looked at the book, she hadn't opened it yet, she was too excited. In the end, she opened the book and read the pages slowly as if she was taking it all in.

[ An Elemental is a mythic creature that is known as supernatural and alchemical, there are four elementals. ]

Irene nodded, this part of knowledge she knew already.

[ Earth, Gnomes, described as a small ugly person, but also has the meaning of luck. ]

"So a garden gnome?" Irene raised an eyebrow questioning if she should summon this one.

[ Water, Undines (or Nymphs), described as a female spirit in the form of water, calm and beautiful. ]

Irene smiled, this one is the one she had been wanting to summon, Diana was known for her Undine.

[ Air, Sylph, described as some type of gas form, but in fact, it is just air, soothing and free. ]

Irene laughed about the thought of a walking fart.

[ Fire, Salamander, describe as walking flame, violent and powerful. ]

"In other words, a walking hell," Irene shook her head, she thinks if she summons this one she is risking it all.

[ These four elementals can be summoned, by summoning it in a summoning circle. ]

"A summon circle?" Irene, never seen a summoning circle, but here she is. Luckily as she flipped through the pages, it showed different circle patterns for each elemental.

It looked like some kind of witch's spell or a curse, but as she read about them, she realized it was much harder than she thought, it looked difficult.

[ To summon each Elemental, their elements laid out in the process of the summoning, for example, dirt, water, a glass of air, and fire. ]

"Now doing this secretly is going to be a lot harder than I thought," she started to think about herself drawing these hard patterns in her room with many candles of fire. "If I get caught, what should I say?"

Irene had a headache at the thought of it as she copied down the designs of each circle on a piece of paper with detailed information. She quickly slipped the small papers in her pockets then returned the book where it came from.

This whole process took about an hour or so, she realizes she had been reading for quite some time, she looked at the clock, 3 hours have passed. She got off of her seat and headed towards the door.

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