Chapter 85

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"Darius, we are no longer as familiar as before," Irene gave him the cold shoulder.

Irene was having creeps just looking at him, and Darius is just smiling at her.

This is odd.

"Okay, class! Listen up!"

The instructor's voice echoed outside, Irene looked at their trainer right away.

She smiled, the school had gotten a new one because the old one was a bit corrupted.

It's a woman.

Of course, this started a lot of backlashes.

These idiots.

Irene knows what they don't, she is not just some instructor, she was a captain of the Royal Knights!

Irene shook her head as she heard the giggles and badmouth talking from the other male students, and they weren't even trying to hide it.

"You guys are taking this class too lightly, you are the buff one, let's have a duel if you think I am not worthy."

She pointed her sword toward the buffest and tallest guy in the class, Irene rolled her eyes after seeing the guy's cocky smile.

Does this idiot think he is going to win? If he does, I would kiss a frog.

It is always those buff guys that overlook things, there was a reason why she was hired.





And now the student is on the ground, the teacher smiled, "I am Knight Olivia, anymore objections, step right up!"

No one moved an inch.

"Alright then, let the class begin."

Miss Olivia said those words with the most creepy smile.

Shit, I am going to be sore...

"Argh," Irene stretched her arms, and her back cracked.

Miss Knight had no mercy, the workout was killing Irene.

"You seemed roughed up," Sasha looked at Irene with a smug face, these days Sasha grew out of her business.

She even teases Irene now.

"Are you sure you don't want to see the school's doctor?"

Alice asked Irene as she thinks it is a serious health problem.

"I am just sore, give it a couple of weeks," Irene said with a yawn.

So she did, but each day the training also got easier, and she felt improved in many areas.

This teacher was much better than Ralph, he is strong but not a good teacher compared to this Knight.

The boys have already started to acknowledge her...

and Irene too.

"The win goes to Lady Gracia!"

The teacher announced, Irene grinned as she looked down at one of her classmates dirtied by the dusty dirt.

"My bad, I should've gone easier on you," Irene said with a smug face and reached her hand out to help her classmate.

Only to make him feel more embarrassed as the class giggled at him.

"His fault thinking he could beat her, she is a Gracia for a reason," someone said, Irene's eyes sharpened.

"Don't say that, she hates hearing that!"

His friend slapped his friend in the mouth, "Oh right..."

"Not bad," Darius walked way too close to comfort Irene, and she moved away.

"Do not act as if we are familiar."

Irene said walking away from the conversation.

"A monster beside another one."

One said.

Darius was quite a monster in this class, Irene never want to duel with him if she is being honest.

Because she knows if she did, her ass will be beaten unless she used her elemental spirits as well, but that would be cheating.

She sighed, Darius has been non-stop approaching her, and sometimes he is quite flirtatious.

"Stop, I have a fiancee, your old best mate?"

Irene pushed him away, suddenly Irene felt goosebumps as the stare on her was just bloodlust.

She turns around quickly, Darius was smiling tensely.

Irene felt her sweat go cold, something is not right.

Darius? Are you really Darius?

Irene's eyes widened, how could she miss this?

Darius's eyes.

She grabbed a towel and whipped her sweat.

Irene straightened her posture, "Don't you dare try hurting him."

She said with a smile and threw her towel in his face.

"Thanks, I will use this well."

Darius said with a smirk.

"Got you."

Irene whispered as she walked away.

As much as Darius changed, he never sweats during training...somehow he doesn't and he hates it as well.

Darius is Darius but not the real one.

Irene recalls his dark and empty eyes, his body is most likely taken over.

She starts thinking about when was the last time she saw him, at Alice's parents' funeral.

He was normal, awkward, and stiff.

This is not right.

He is still my friend.

Irene started to think about what she should do, she stopped walking.

Don't tell me...

Did that mage possess him?

Irene thinks for a long time, she had read books about dark magic which include shifting into people's bodies so this could be possible.

If it is...

Irene looks behind her as she walked, it was a glance.

Darius was just standing there, haven't moved a single inch only just staring at her with a slight smile.

Irene gulped.

I guess I took too long to make a decision...

Irene sighed, "Why am I just attracting problems, should've been some side character."

People looked at her with strange looks, it was probably because she was whispering to herself.

Irene was too absorbed in her thoughts, if he is here...this is very dangerous for the students.

What in the world is he planning?

Is he threatening me? Am I seen as an enemy?

This was frustrating for Irene, what is she going to do?

Ask for help. That's not the easiest, I have to do more explaining and secrets are going to be revealed.


Irene whispered, and the air spirit appeared.

"What is it that you need?"

"I need information."

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