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"Mr. Zhu. Let me-"

"Leave Xiao Zhan. I never thought that when I would be away you would seduce my secretary."

"He did not do anything."

"Yibo go back to your room. I will deal with you later. Lets first have a talk Mr. Xiao. He seems in hurry. So mr. Xiao shall we?"


"Sunbeam go I will handle this. Lets get going Mr. Zhu."

"But ge-"

"Lan Yibo I am sure you still remember the terms and conditions of the papers so get moving to your room right now." NaiChao's clearly held command and I fisted my palm. This man is a scumb. I faced him only to see his expressions of being.. hurt? He watched Sunbeam retreating while gritting his teeth. He knew he has lost all his chances.

"Mr. Xiao we have a patient in this room. Lets go to my room." He gestured me to follow and I followed him to his room. What was now going to happen? I quickly texted ge about what transpired presicely and was led in another room.

"I have been trying very hard but am not able to find about you. Who are you? How did you know them earlier? How come Yibo is with you when ever after trying the hell for five years he did not bother to return my feelings? WHO ARE YOU?" Veins were visible on his forehead as his face turned red in fury and hurt.

"Certainly not someone who loves a person and forces the other to love him back by taking advantage of his vulnerable situation." He was seething in anger.

"The hell with you Xiao Zhan. What the hell in the world you know about me? Seeing only the surface does not help." What does he mean?

"At first place talk to me respectfully Zhu NaiChao when I am talking to you with respect. At second place, whatever the reason you might have it has hurted Yibo alot. More than anything. He trusted you but you betrayed him."

"I LOVED HIM. WAS IT SO DIFFICULT FOR HIM TO LOVE ME BACK?" He yelled. By the look on his face pain was evident. The amount of hurt in his voice was enough for me to guess that yes he might love Yibo alot.

"You can never force someone return your feelings when the other one is already in love." Tears rushed down his eyes. How powerful love is! Can make any sane person lose his sanity. A person so strong infront of the business world is now pathetic for his love.

"WHY YOU THEN? Just why?" He toned down as he stumbled on his legs and slumped down on the bed with read eyes.

"Because it was me who was in love with him from the very early." Hi eye widen. I know how it feels so I carefully walked up to him and sat beside him on his bed.

"NaiChao you are a nice man but what you did is wrong. Yibo trusted you blindly but you ruined it by making him sign the papers of his owne-"

"I didn't." He said but his gaze was blank. I blinked as to figure out what he didn't.

"I didn't make him sign the papers. I just told him. Never have I made a clause in the paper that I have bought him. He believed what I said. He never saw the papers because it is with the company. How can a business paper mention all these things?" This perplexed me. Then why? What is he saying?

"Mr. Zhu, what are you trying to say?"

"I have known for past one month when I was away that you both are seeing each other. They told me that Yibo seemed happy but that saddened me. I also wanted same affection from him. I did not do anything wrong to him. I said those words because I had to otherwise Yibo would have lost his brother."

Broken But Fixed [ZhanYi]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora