Daniel Sharman for Flaunt Magazine: "The past, the present, the future".

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From Teen Wolf to his most recent role in Cursed, Daniel Sharman has embodied every kind of supernatural creature you can imagine. But his days in fantasy may be over, as he's now focusing on understanding what's really important, reconnecting with himself, and rediscovering his love of acting.

Like any other human being, quarantine and free time has led Daniel to wonder what he is doing. "I chose this profession when I was 12, and you know, is this really what I want to be?" he asked himself, "Do I really love this job? Am I good at what I do? is this really the way I want to go? ". Flaunt spoke with the actor to discuss his new project, his abilities, and the origins of his career.

How did this strange period treat you?

Well, I'm in the middle of Montana right now. I'm shooting a movie here, and it was nice to go out and be away.

Can you share something about the film?

I can't say anything now, but it's really great. It's a great script. That's what I've always wanted to do in a film.

You've been acting mostly in TV series in the last few years, what's the difference in going back to making movies again?

Last year filming Cursed was a lot of anticipation, with all the things that comes with production as big as that, and sometimes it's really frustrating. The great thing about this film is that it's a small film (an independent production) and you get to work enjoying all of its art and work because the whole film is there. It's a really nice thing to do.

Speaking of Cursed, what was it like making it? What was it like working with Frank Miller on that project?

It was great. I think it was a great experience getting to know Frank and working with fantastic actors. And I got the chance to go home, I went back to England for a while and that was the best part: being able to see my family and reconnect with England like I haven't done in years. And then, of course, I went back and thought 'Okay well, at work' but then the quarantine started... it was nice to be able to get back to work faster than I thought.

What was it like to go quarantine away from your family?

Well listen, I've become a very good Renaissance man. I built a vegetable garden, I started cycling. Like, I'm sure, many people, I started many solitary activities and sports. I started doing crosswords. I think I've become an old man, actually. Making the typical dad jokes will be the next step.

How did you start acting?

I started acting because someone came to my school and said, "Does any kid want to come with us and audition for a role in a Shakespeare play?" and I got caught, then I worked in the theater for a while. I basically chose this job when I was 11 or 12, and then I decided to go to drama school instead of college. And at that point, I was fucked up, because now I was inside. I dropped out of school and practically tried to learn how to do this job and to work in this industry.

For a while, I thought I didn't want to do this job anymore. I chose it when I was only 12, and you know, is this really who I want to be? I've been thinking about it for a long time, especially in this last year, with all this free time. Do I really love this job? Am I good at it? Is this really the way I want to go? And it was really nice to get back to work and realize that I really love this job.

It is a very nice thing to be able to work with people, especially when you believe a lot in the project that you love; you want a good product to come out, and the energy that is there is great, there is a lot of pride. It's very nice, to be honest, to think "Ah, well, I'm excited to work."

You have been in many well-known TV series, what have you learned from these?

I was really lucky in that sense, to work with these series and to grow throughout this journey, with many teenage series. Because I've been trying to learn how to be a real person along the way. When I was young and started working, I didn't really know who I was, and I'm still trying to figure it out. I'm still trying to figure out what acting is, what it's like to commit to something, what it's like to work on something. I am really lucky because I wasted time for quite a while and I didn't work a lot, but I managed to work on things that are very much loved by some people. I feel like I've stolen some of their lives. I have always admired people who put a lot of effort into their work, and I believe, in recent years, that I have changed the way I want to work and this excites me.

Most of the series you have taken part in are part of the fantasy or sci-fi genre. Now that you're redefining your career, do you still want to do fantasy?

No, I think I'm done with fantasy. I mean, you never know! Something very comfortable, fantastic, and that works might come along, or if I can't find a job anymore then I think I'll go back to fantasy and do it. I have to pay the bills! But I think fantasy is a reflection of who I was. I think in part, I'm getting old, and there are other things I believe in, I want to do and I want to play. Never say never, but this new project that I'm shooting now, which I really believe in, is the kind of thing I want to do for the next few years.

Is there anything about you that most people don't know?

One of the things that people don't know about me is that I know all the capitals of the world. He's a weird talent, but I have a very specific photographic memory, which only works with maps and capitals. This is one thing, stupid or not, but I know I know all the capitals that exist. A strange thing.

This is not very useful when you have to study scripts ...

No, I wish it were. I wish it were more useful than it is. It's good for quiz nights or pub quizzes, but that's about it.

Source: https://danielsharman.it

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