Interview: Cursed pt.4

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No makeup from Weeping Monk today?

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No makeup from Weeping Monk today?

Daniel: (laughs) With that mascara running down my face, I relived my drunkenness at school. It was so much stuff to put on, really, but Tom and I decided that those are very, very interesting particular signs.

I like it. What struck me most about your character is that usually when we see a dark and sinister character he is played by an older actor, but the combination with your young face has really struck me. What was the most intriguing thing for you to step into the shoes of the Weeping Monk?

Well, I think ... I was interested, as you said, in the combination of this character's makeup with his being free of empathy or emotions. I think that's what really intrigued me about the character. And as I said to Tom (Wheeler) I wanted to remove the whole part of the dialogue from the character, I thought it was more interesting to tell the internal struggle of the Monaco through his actions or how he fights. You don't see much of him, but a story is told throughout the series using a minimal amount of words and this was the challenge and it was the thing for which I thought "Yes, it will be fun, it will definitely be something to test myself for ". Here's how it all happened.

Another thing that fascinated me is his relationship with the Paladins Rossi. Although the Weeping Monk is the right arm of their leader (Father Carden), he does not cause much fear to his companions and seems a little disconnected from the whole group. How is your relationship with the Paladins Rossi?

You know, building this character I thought "even if he had a childhood made of so much violence, how would it be to make him a character who is not part of anything?". Even if he works with Father Carden, even if he lives among the Paladins Rossi, in reality he, as you said, is a little disconnected from all this. It will be understood that he has been with them since he was a child, probably since he was six or seven years old and was indoctrinated as a child. However, its power is to be self-sufficient. They send him to hunt down the Fey and he finishes the job, doesn't talk to anyone and lives a very lonely life and this seemed very interesting to me. Many of my scenes are practically detached from the rest of the cast and in fact I went to the set a few days, I did my job and I left: I didn't feel much part of the cast in a way or better, in the sense of having to shoot every day. It helped me a lot to feel almost a "stranger". I haven't seen much of the cast for a long time and in reality only by doing this promotion can we see each other and be together.

There is certainly the idea that the Weeping Monk is a lone wolf who faces everything alone, which is very interesting to interpret, but also very lonely.


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