[02 hot tub hotties]

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[02] second chapter
episode five, season 5
word count 1030
> in which Summer dates
two gorgeous guys and
makes a first impression 
on the islanders

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THE BRISK AIR brushed its way through the trees as Summer made her way down the cobbled path that lead to the villa, she was walking quite quickly due to the fact her body was way too impatient and was in desperate need to officially begin her journey. As she sent a cheeky wink to the badly-hidden camera, she knew for a fact she looked hot as fuck, which eased her nerves ever so slightly.

About a million thoughts rushed through her head as she heaved open the surprisingly heavy door, thoughts such as 'what if I make a shit first impression' or 'what if I end up going home as quickly as I came in'. 

All of those thoughts disappeared and were replaced by a shock as her foot caught in the gap between the steps, causing the girl to stumble in her heels for pretty much the second time that night. She gripped onto the handrail for dear life whilst recomposing herself.

"You can do this," she spoke to herself as she reached the top of the steps, "Believe in yourself, Mer."

Once reaching the top, she did a mental facepalm, "Such a fucking idiot," Summer muttered to herself, for she had just realised the hideaway was, in fact, not on the top floor, but the ground floor.

It took her a while, but once Summer had finally located the room, she took no time in getting changed into a small, black bikini and sliding into the freshly refilled hot tub. A camera crew member had spoken to her down the mic and informed her that after their date, Curtis went into the villa alone and Molly was told to hang back in order for the two girls to make their entrance together and that Summer should do the same.

After a few more checks over and making sure everything was perfect, she pulled her phone out and began to write her first text of the summer.


Back down in the main villa, the boys were all sat around the firepit chatting about Curtis and Tommy's dates and the girls were gossiping on the daybeds when a text notification cut through the air.

"I got a text!" Anton yelled, with Ovie yelling a follow-up, "Message!", causing all eyes to fall on the Scotsman in anticipation of what it said.

The night's not over yet, boys. You may have had your fun with Molly, but now it's my turn  ;) Anton, the public have decided that you get to be my first date, so let's not keep them waiting, huh? See you soon, Summer.

#hottubhotties #notimetowaste

After he had finished the whole text, all the boys howled in excitement, for not only was there one new girl, there seemed to be a second one, too.

It took the group of lads no time at all to dash back to the bedroom and help Anton prep for his date, all while coming up with different theories as to who exactly this Summer girl could possibly be.

Out in the garden, however, the girls were not as pleased. It seemed both Lucie and Amy were still not over the fact that their partners had been taken on a date by Molly, but now their supposed 'competition' had been doubled by the news of Summer's arrival.

"Summer seems like such a nice name, though," Yewande began, earning her nods and hums of agreement from the others.

"Would be nicer if she wasn't a threat to our men, though," Anna grumbled, also getting weak agreements from the other girls.

Amber sighed, "It's bad enough they brought one new girl in, but two? Who knows what they're gonna do, whether they're playing a game and are gonna stir the pot."

Amy shrugged, "Mhm, but it is what it is, girls, we've just got to get our graft on then."


An hour or so later, and the dates were done. She had first had a wonderful date with Anton, yet couldn't help but feel more of a friendship connection towards the man, which was all good nevertheless. He had also gone on to fill her in on what had gone down the past few days between the couples and such, giving her a good insight as to which couples were the stronger ones and which were weaker and therefore easier to come between.

The second date that she had picked this time was with Ovie. It was pretty safe to say the pair got on like a house on fire, and Summer definitely felt a lot of flirty and romantic vibes coming from the boy. He, too, told her a bit about the villa and his couple with Ellen; plus the fact that he was growing to dislike her with each passing day up until she got dumped.

When her date had finally come to an end, and both boys had dried off and headed back to the villa, Molly Mae walked back into the hideaway, just as Summer was putting the last few finishing touches on her outfit and hair.

"How were your dates?" Molly smirked as she took a seat next to Summer.

"So nice, the setting, the lighting and the bubbles were amazing and the boys just made it ten times better, really," the girl joked sending the pair of them into a fit of laughter.

They spent the next fifteen minutes giving each other the low-down on their first impressions of the dates and who they fancied the most until they got word from the producers that it was time to head down and meet the rest of the villa.

"Ready, Mol?" Summer asked the girl, linking their arms as they headed towards the door that led outside.

"Ready as I'll ever be, Mer," she grinned, the two of them sharing one final look of confidence as they stepped into the humid air.


sorry for such a short chapter i honestly will make the next one so much longer i promise

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