[31 home, sweet home?]

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[31] thirty-first chapter
episode thirty, season 5
word count 5589
>In which it's
finally time for
the islanders to reunite.

Summer could feel her heartbeat quicken by the second as she was given the signal to make her way out. Everything just seemed different. The way her hair danced across her back and the sound of her heels clicking against the oh-so-familiar decking added to the suspense she felt forming in the pit of her stomach.

She hadn't felt this nervous since her first day in the villa — she felt like a new girl all over again as the fairy lights hanging from the bushes came into view for what felt like the first time in forever. It seemed someone had hushed the islanders awaiting her, for the awkward commotion she had once heard seemed to have died down, leaving nothing but an intense silence that was practically the stuff of nightmares.

Summer didn't dare peek through the cracks of the bushes separating herself from what could either be the best day of her love island journey, or a scene of heartbreak and disaster. Her thoughts were filled with so many different outcomes she could face that the girl couldn't even tell right from wrong.

Taking a glance further down the path, she saw the remaining new girls that hadn't yet been chosen. What if they had tried to get with Ovie? What if one of them had been successful? What if she had to spend the remainder of her days in the villa with the very girl who stole her other half? All of these questions plagued her mind as she considered just turning back, however, soon snapped out of it.

She reminded herself of who she was and what she was doing. Whether Ovie had recoupled or not, she was going to keep composure and stick it out — she wouldn't let what someone else had done affect her mental state; she knew who she was. Of course, all this was much easier said than done.

Soon enough Caroline's face came into view as the woman looked at Summer with mixed emotions, obviously not wanting to give away what she was about to walk into, whilst also finding it hard to not warn the girl she had grown fond of in the past month.

The antagonising wait was just too much for Summer as she finally picked up the pace and made it to the main part of the deck. Turning to look at the many islanders sitting at the firepit, her eyes immediately locked with Ovie's. Then with the girl who was stood smugly beside him.

It may have been dramatic to say, but it felt like Summer's heart had crumbled before everyone's very eyes and she couldn't help but feel like the world was about to swallow her whole. Ovie had recoupled. He had found someone else, someone better than her; Summer couldn't believe it.

But she held face. She couldn't let them see how it affected her — how she felt like he had just ripped her heart out and slapped her across the face with it. The girl couldn't even bring herself to look at who else had recoupled, and who had been left single, vulnerable, and heartbroken,  for her main focus was on the guilty-looking man before her.

"Summer, as you can see Ovie has recoupled with Kaya, leaving you single," Caroline told the girl gently once she had finally come to a halt. It was quite obvious to everyone around the firepit that with one wrong move, Summer could explode and either break down or tear the villa apart, so Caroline stepped cautiously as she continued,  "Is there anything you have to say to Ovie? What are you feeling right now?"

Swallowing harshly, the girl tried the best she could to not let tears well in her eyes at the sight of who once was her partner standing beside someone new, someone he had only known for four days at most. She wanted to say so badly about how she had been nothing but loyal to him, how she had put so much faith in him and their relationship, how she thought he'd at least have the decency to not look to the ground every time she glanced at him, however, she just couldn't. Even after everything, she just couldn't find it in herself to be mean to the guy she had believed she was falling for.

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