Chapter 9

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Bakugo covered my mouth muffling my breathing. He pressed slightly closer to me preventing getting seen by those two. Who knows what they might say. 

"Midoriya I have a question for," Shoto's voice rang out in the quiet halls," I have noticed you are rather close with All Might. Are you his secret love child?"

"Wha-what no!" Midoriya said quickly. 

"Well if you are somehow related to him in some way then it is my job to beat you," What is he talking about," My father is the number 2 hero as you know and he has set on beating All Might. He wants me to be his successor, so if you are related to All Might then you are my opponent."

"Uh," Midoriya seemed like he was at a loss for words.

"Do you want to know why I have this scar?" He asked Midoriya. Is he really gonna tell him. 

I made eye contact with Bakugo and I see the confusion and curiosity written across his face," If you want to tell me," Midoriya said. 

"My father did a thing called quirk breading. That's why I have a fire and ice quirk. My mom hated what was happening and I heard her one day on the phone with someone. She was talking about me and how I looked more and more like my father by the day. I came into the kitchen hoping to make her feel better but instead she grabbed the teapot and poured it over my eye," He explained," Then my father put her in a mental hospital. Since that day I have sworn to never use my fathers side of the power, because of the pain he caused my mom."

"Oh my god Todoroki I'm sorry," Midoriya said.

"My father as been set on trying to get me to use my power any way possible," Todoroki explained and I knew where this was going. I clenched my eyes closed," Y/n has gotten the worst out of it out of all of us. She is used to try and get me to use my power, and sometimes other things. My goal is to become the number one hero so I can save her, that's my only goal, but if you stand in my way I will win."

I fight against Bakugo's grip just trying to get out of the situation. I don't want the pity looks, I don't want the are you okays, when I know they really don't care. Bakugo let me go and I quickly ran down the opposite hallway. I didn't stop running until I knew that I was alone. 

I slide down the wall panting hard running my fingers through my hair. My mind flashing through the memories from years ago that I thought I had forgotten. I took a shaky breath. 

Focus Y/n. Just think about the festival and the task ahead, I thought to myself and pushing myself up. 

I walked up to the stadium ready to watch everyone's fights. I already know I'm going against Tokoyami.(I just picked a random person) He might be a little difficult to beat but I'll do my best. I sat next to Mina and Kiri and got ready to watch. 

~Time skip~

I walked into the center of the fighting rink. I took a deep breathe and got in a fighting position. I did my best to strategize and think of ways to win but it was difficult to come up with a plan. I think I might have a good strategy.

"And GO!"

Tokoyami's quirk charged at me. I rolled under it running straight at Tokoyami. I noticed he relies to much on his bird thing for the defense, so if I just get past the stupid thing then I should be fine. It's the problem of keeping it at bay. I took a deep breathe and focused my flames to incase my body. Using the flames as a light it should keep away the bird and keep me safe. 

I started running faster, and grabbed a hold of his arm. We were closer to the line than I realized. I used what momentum I could muster and picked him up over my shoulder running. Once I got close enough I flipped him back over my shoulder making him land over the line.

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