Chapter 15

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I woke up to a constant vibrating next to my head. I slowly opened my eyes. I grabbed my phone squinting at the bright screen. It took a minute for me to adjust. I saw multiple text messages from Shoto. A few from Fuyumi and Natsuo. I opened Shoto's text messages.

❄Ice Man❄: Hey you home yet

❄Ice Man❄:N/n?

❄Ice Man❄: Do you know why Father is upset?

❄Ice Man❄:Y/n!!!

❄Ice Man❄: Father said you ran away

❄Ice Man❄: Where are you?!

❄Ice Man❄: Are you safe?

❄Ice Man❄: Y/n!! answer the phone.

Best Todoroki twin: I'm fine

❄Ice Man❄: Finally! Where are you?

Best Todoroki twin: Don't worry about it. I don't want Father reading the text messages.

❄Ice Man❄: I'm really worried. Father is extremely mad you left again.

Best Todoroki Twin: Don't be worried I'm perfectly safe. And Father can deal with it.

❄Ice Man❄: Are you still going to school tomorrow?

Best Todoroki Twin: Yes I am. I'll explain what's happening then. can you tell Fuyumi and Natsuo I'm okay please.

❄Ice Man❄: Yes stay safe.

Best Todoroki twin: Will do❤

I turned my phone off rolling over. He got so worried. It's only about 7 in the morning and now that I'm awake I'm not gonna be able to fall asleep again. Bakugo is still passed out and the rest of the house is quiet so I'm guessing they're asleep to. I crawl off the mattress as quiet as possible trying not to wake Bakugo up. I walked down into the kitchen.

I can always make them breakfast. They are letting me stay here. I look around the cabinets finding some pepper and pans. I open the fridge grabbing out eggs, cheese, bacon. I start cooking the bacon and start cracking some of the eggs. I threw in some pepper and salt mixing it up. When the bacon finished I crushed it up into smaller pieces adding them into the eggs. I poured some of the eggs into the pan leaving some for everyone else.

I added the cheese and folded the egg in half. I waited for it to cook all the way through and then repeated the process. I made four omelets for everyone. I smiled at my handy work. This is the first time I've willingly made someone food. I heard people start coming down the stairs as I start cleaning up the dishes. I heard a gasp and turned around smiling.

"Good morning everyone," I said and they sat down at their plates," I made everyone an omelet."

"You didn't have to do this sweetie," Mitsuki says smiling at me,

"Yeah I did," I said finishing washing the dishes," You guys are letting me stay here, this is the least I could do. Now eat."

They all dug in. Mitsuki bit into it first and her eyes brightened," Where did you learn to cook. This is amazing."

"Oh I just picked it up," I said eating mine," I was the only one who made Father's food. So I just learned."

"Oh well you are always welcome to cook whenever. This is so amazing," Masaru said.

I smiled at them. I glanced over at Bakugo and he was happily eating. He noticed me looking at him and glared at me. I looked back at my food snickering. He didn't like the fact that I saw him enjoying something I made. Everyone finished rather quickly. I tried washing their dishes but Mitsuki kicked me out of the kitchen before I could. I head back upstairs and sat leaning in Bakugo's bed.

The forgotten twin(BakugoxF!mreader)Where stories live. Discover now