Chapter 6

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The summer came and went, and it was time for you to start work and the boys to start UA. You were up early making breakfast when the front door opened.

"Good morning miss (L/N)!"

"Morning Izuku! I told you, call me (Y/N)." You laughed.

He sheepish rubbed the back of his neck with a smile.


You hummed, placing three plates of pancakes on the table.

"Want some pancakes?"

"Yes please!" Izuku chirped, "mum had to go out early and I forgot to eat."

You shook your head at him, sliding him another plate as the boys came out dressed in their uniforms.

"Izuku!" Jessie cheered, sliding next to him.

"Morning mum." Gabriel smiled.

"Morning darling, Jessie, eat your food!"

Jet came across the living room, rubbing sleep out his eyes. You turned around and grabbed a shirt from the back of a chair.

"Put a shirt on idiot."

"It's morning..." he grumbled, dropping himself at the table.

You sat down with them all and begun to eat as well, listening to the conversation between the boys while sipping your coffee.

"Are we walking to school?" Gabriel asked.

"No, I'll drop you all off." You smiled.

"Thank you!" Jessie and Izuku smiled.

You hummed, finishing the last of our food as you headed to grab your hero costume. It wasn't flashy, it was simply light and dark blue, with a white droplet of water on the back, Rain written under it.

You quickly changed in the bathroom, and came out, pulling your shoes on as you grabbed your keys and such.

"Oh, Jet, there's a shopping list on the fridge."

"Sure, I'll grab it later."

He stood up, ruffling the three boy's hair before giving you a hug.

"See ya later." He waved as you all left.

"I wonder what UA's gonna be like? I bet everyone's gonna have amazing quirks!" Jessie grinned.

"It will be interesting." Gabriel nodded.

"Thankfully we're all in the same class!" Izuku grinned.

The boys agreed, piling into the car. Gabriel was up front while the other two sat at the back.

The drive wasn't that long, and as you pulled up you noticed students starting to pile in.

"Get going You three! Have you!" You called as they ran off.

You headed in by yourself, wondering through the halls you remembered off by heart. You took different twists and turns before coming up to the principles office.

Lightly you knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in!"

You slipped in, and smiled at the small mammal sat at the desk.

"Ah, Miss (L/N) how wonderful to see you again! It certainly has been a while, we must catch up."

You nodded, sitting in front of him.

"I agree sir, it would be really nice. Thank you for giving myself and the boys an opportunity to come here."

"It's not a problem! We had a vacancy for a rescue and medical teacher. I saw your records and remembered you were rather good at both yourself, so I decided you can teach the class!"

You laughed, smiling at him, bowing your head slightly in thanks.

"I shall show you to your classroom, do you remember where everything is?"

"Yes I do, thank you."

He hummed, gesturing with a paw for you to follow him. So you did, down the hallway, passing classrooms your remembered very well, he stopped at an empty classroom near the nurses office.

"Your schedule is on the desk, your first class isn't until this afternoon."

"Thank you sir."

With that, he left. You walked in and looked around, it was just a standard classroom. Walking over, you gave your schedule a quick look over.

By the looks of it, you'd mostly be teaching 1-A, along with a handful of other classes from the hero course.

Humming, you walked about your class, changing the desks about so there were in groups, then you sat on your desk, pulling your phone out in boredom.

It didn't last long, because soon your door was being thrown wide open.


You looked up at the large hero with a laugh, shaking your head as you jumped up.

"Toshi! It's been a while huh?"

He deflated making you looked at him in concern but he simply gave you a wide smile and walked in.

"It sure has, wanna walk? Catch up a bit?"


Heading over, you watched him turn back into his all Might form to walk the hallways, both of you falling into a comfortable conversation

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