Chapter Seven

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Me and Bucky had split and made ourselves scarce for the past couple hours to avoid Tony's ire. He had been hunting us separately for a while but had eventually given up, or so we thought. Tony had managed to herd us both into the lounge space without us realizing until it was too late.

In the lounge we were confronted with seven of Tony's suits, each one pointing repulsers at us. Bucky and I probably could have fought our way out of the situation but we didn't want to anger Tony more by destroying more of his stuff. I folded my wings close to my back and put my hands up in the universal 'don't shoot me' gesture and saw Bucky hesitate out of the corner of my eye before he did the same.

I gave Tony a little finger wave as he made his presence known from the kitchen. "So, which one of you destroyed my car?" Bucky immediately ratted me out and I proceeded to punch his metal arm. "So, how you gonna pay me back, 'cause you know that car was one of a kinda, yeah? Literally, the only one ever created and you destroyed it."

I rolled my eyes, "easy." I turned a single feather to metal and pulled it from my wing with a slight prick of pain, another would form in the next couple hours anyway, but I had found that only I could remove them. "I don't give one of these out lightly, Stark, there's nothing else like them in all the world, do what you want with it."

Handing over the feather, Tony accepted it as if it was the most fragile thing he'd ever seen when it was far the opposite. "I accept."

"Careful the edges are—" I paused when I saw him wince, "sharp."

"Yeah, I think I got that when I nearly cut my finger off, I'm gonna find a Band-Aid for this papercut." Tony carefully set the feather on the counter, and I took that opportunity to grab a drink and sit in my favorite spot.

"Get out of my spot." Bucky growled. That's when Steve walked in and spotted me and Bucky in the midst of a soon-to-be crime scene.

I almost immediately forgot that Steve and Tony were in the room as I got into the argument, "It's not yours, it's mine."

"No, it's mine when Steve's here."

"That's not how that works."

"I sat in it first, it's my chair." Bucky scowled.

"You didn't say 'quack, quack, chair back'."

"What?" He looked just as confused as I did.

"I don't know where that came from," I admitted, "but the point still stands, you didn't call it so I took it."

"So you admit it was mine first."

Steve whispered to Tony, "would you call this civil?"

"At least their not destroying my stuff like they were before." Tony responded as he put on his Band-Aid, it was barely bleeding.

We both turned to look at him simultaneously, "how many times do we have to tell you we're sorry, it was an accident."

"They really were made for each other." Steve commented.

I turned to look at Bucky just as he turned to look at me, "you know what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah, you know what I'm thinking?"


Then simultaneously, "let Steve decide." He froze as he realized he was caught in the middle of our argument.

"Just so you know Steve, if you don't choose me, we're not friends anymore."

I elbowed Bucky in the sweet spot on his side, "and if you don't pick me, I'll rip your frisbee in half." Bucky gave me an annoyed look, he didn't like that I called Cap's shield a frisbee so I did it intentionally just to annoy him.

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