Chapter Twenty Seven

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"It is not far from the city proper," T'Challa said as he led us through the city. Most of the specialized fighters had broken off at the command of one of them in an African language that I wasn't very familiar with. She was fierce looking and quite beautiful, red tattoos across her skull that perfectly complimented her features. "This is my general and leader of the Dora Milaje, Okoye."

"You must be quite the fighter, what's your weapon specialty?" I directly addressed the general, she looked like an interesting person, one that I definitely wanted to get to know.

"Spear." She answered, a woman of few words then.

"I can respect that, it's a formidable weapon, especially in the hands of an expert. I use my wings and my fists, they tend to be the most effective for me."

Shuri skipped along with us, listening in on our conversation and popped her question almost immediately, "how do you use your wings as weapons?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Okoye and T'Challa watching for my answer. I didn't know how much Steve had told them about either of us or if T'Challa had shared it with those in his inner circle. So, I decided to show them. "Because I can do this." I turned my whole body to metal and ruffled my wings, causing them to make a bell-like metal-on-metal sound. I picked at the sharp edges of my feathers, "I can slice steel like butter with these."

"Do you know how they do against vibranium?" Shuri inquired, incredibly interested by my metal form.

"I wanted to try it against Steve's shield but I don't think he would have appreciated his frisbee being cut in half." I admitted. Bucky gave me a look when I called Steve's shield a frisbee, but I just smiled in return as I turned back to my regular form.

"Would you like to try it out at my lab sometime?"

"I would love to." I was genuinely excited. For the most part, I had had no way to test just how durable my metal form was and had absolutely no idea what kind of metal or element composition it could have been. Shuri seemed as if she had the capability and technological know-how to give me some answers that there was no way I could find on my own.

She gave me a beaded bracelet and handed one to Bucky also. "I will send you a message on the kimoyo beads when I have a spare moment."

Bucky asked quietly, "what are these made out of?" That's right, I had forgotten that he liked to use his hands a lot. Steve had said something about him working construction before enlisting.

"Vibranium, of course, it's in everything we make, including our clothing." Bucky grunted in response, apparently he wasn't in much of a talking mood.

The rest of the admittedly short walk was quiet and I found myself walking in step beside Bucky. Our hands grazed each other's and intertwined as we walked together. No words necessary, just companionship. As we got further away, the city thinned out and gradually became far more expectant of a third-world country. Long grass, acacia trees everywhere, a dirt road, and a small village of huts.

A huge rhino came charging toward us, my wings ruffled as my nerves increased, but if the Wakandans had no feeling of danger, then I had to trust that there was none. Abruptly, the beast dug its hooves in, just short of bulldozing over Okoye, and licked her cheek. That was when I noticed that there was a man riding on top of the rhino's back. "Good evening, my love," the man said to Okoye, dismounting from the rhino and kissing the opposite cheek. Huh, didn't see that coming.

"Angel, Sergeant Barnes, this is my head of security, W'Kabi of the border tribe. You will be staying with his people, far from prying eyes." T'Challa introduced us. "There is no one but Wakandans around for miles so you will be well-hidden." There was a flash from T'Challa's kimoyo beads, he pressed the lit bead and a hologram of another woman appeared. It was clearly a private conversation so I tuned out of it until he turned back and said to the others. "Nakia has decided to put her talents to use as a spy for Wakanda. She leaves soon, I must see her off."

"I'll go with you," Shuri piped up, "Okoye, W'Kabi, can you show our guests to where they will be staying?"

"Of course," Okoye made a crossing sign over her chest and bowed her head in deference, a gesture which T'Challa returned. The king and his sister left soon after, Shuri sending us a smile before she turned to head back. "Come with me." Okoye led us through a little village almost separate from the city filled with other people of the border tribe, wearing the same style of dress as W'Kabi and similar facial paint. The sound of children's laughter and adults singing in the native Wakandan language filled the air. It was incredibly peaceful. Next to me, I felt as if Bucky had the same thoughts.

"We set you up by the pond." W'Kabi said as he let his rhino into a paddock and continued leading us through the village. Just on the outskirts, bordering against a moderately sized pond ringed by acacia trees, is where the tight knit village started spreading out and it was one of these huts that W'Kabi and Okoye led us to. It was relatively isolated from the rest of the village, still within sight and shouting distance but with more privacy than if we had been put in with the rest of the villagers. I understood this as being considerate towards us and our privacy as people new to the community. "This one will be yours for however long you should need it. Everything you will need is already inside."

"Thank you," Bucky and I said simultaneously which seemed to give them pause for a moment. They nodded in acknowledgement and turned back, walking close enough to each other that my suspicions about them being together solidified.

We stayed outside for a long minute, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze on our skin. I could still hear children's laughter and the gentle sound of cicadas. "It's so peaceful here." Bucky murmured, mirroring my thoughts exactly.

I leaned against Bucky's shoulder as we looked out over the pond. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me in close as we watched the sun paint the sky with the most vivid colors. "Steve was right. Wakanda does have the best sunsets."

For those of you readers who aren't a fan of tragic endings, I suggest you stop here. However, if you want all your questions answered, you'll have to keep reading.

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