Chapter Twenty One

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*Bucky POV*

He had already had enough socializing and the party hadn't even started yet. That was probably concerning, but considering what had happened, he didn't particularly care. The only upside to that whole ordeal was that it was over and nobody had died in the process.

When they got back to their room, both Bucky and Angel sagged onto the couch, not saying a word, just exhausted. "Well, that was something." Angel finally commented. Bucky looked over at her, only to find a smile slowly growing on her face and he started chuckling. Angel dissolved into little giggles also, "what's so funny?"

He just shook his head, she was perfect. "Nothing, I guess I was just wondering how I got so lucky."

"Aw," Angel cooed, leaning heavily against his shoulder, "I love you too." He paused, not entirely certain he had heard her correctly but she didn't seem to notice or mind the silence. She loved him? She loved him. She loved him! He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. He was still baffled that she could possibly have feelings for him even after they had started doing whatever-this-was but now that he thought about it, he felt the same way. He didn't know if he would ever say it in words, he had always been a man of action, but he could tell that she knew even without him ever saying it or acknowledging it himself that he loved her.

A knock at the door made him sigh, he didn't want to get up nor did he want Angel to move from his side. "Stay." He implored Angel as she moved to get up. She gave him a look and he sighed, letting her get up from the couch.

He watched from his spot as she opened the door and Natasha appeared on the other side holding a garment bag. Natasha spoke softly so he only caught the tail end of what she was saying, "—thank me later."

"Are you sure?" Angel asked, accepting the garment bag. Natasha nodded, a secretive smile on her face as she turned and left. Angel looked stunned, which was not easy to do, as she stood there and then slowly closed the door. She turned back to him with a bewildered look on her face and distractedly said, "I'm gonna . . . go try this on."

He watched in concern as she disappeared inside the bathroom and waited several long minutes for her to return. When the door opened, the first thing he noticed was her smile, that easy breathtaking smile immediately put him at ease and put his concerns to rest. The next thing he noticed was her dress, it suited her absolutely perfectly, in both shape and color.

The fabric itself was white, which perfectly complimented both her complexion, her hair, and her wings. It was shorter in the front than the back, going down to just above her knees in the front and down to the middle of her calves in the back. There was a modest jeweled belt and above the belt was gold lace with a beautiful swirling wind pattern going up her body to an illusion halter neck collar that tied in the back, She did a little twirl and it was then that he noticed it was backless, allowing for free wing motion.

It took him a minute to fully process the image, his lips parted as if he were going to speak but no sound came out, all he could do was stare. "So . . . thoughts?" She shifted her weight and her wings fluttered behind her. She was nervous, how could she possibly be nervous? She looked like a little piece of heaven come down for the world to lay eyes upon and enjoy. Somehow he found himself getting jealous that he would have to share even the sight of her.

He found himself standing up and approaching her, breathing out a single, ". . . wow." She looked down, a light dusting of pink blushing across her cheeks. He tilted her chin back up with his finger, gliding his metal hand over her hip to the small of her back, and pressed a soft worshiping kiss to her lips. Lingering, he whispered, "you're a goddess."

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