Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke up the following afternoon sprawled across Bucky's chest, no clothing in sight. For only getting a few hours of sleep, it sure was the best sleep of my life. I shifted my wings and observed the gorgeous body beneath me. God, he was so handsome when he was sleeping, peaceful. The scratch marks on his shoulders and back were very attractive and I sported his love bites in all sorts of delicious places. Even though I didn't want to wake him, I couldn't resist touching. I left small kisses on his neck and collarbone as I traced patterns over his chest.

Bucky shifted slightly, his eyes blinking open, a lazy smile crossing his face as his hands came up to caress my waist. His voice was deep and husky with sleep, "if you wanted another round, all you had to do was ask."

"Sorry for waking you, I couldn't resist touching." I smiled back up at him before leaning down to kiss his collarbone. I scraping my teeth gently up the side of his neck, pressing a few small kisses along the line of his jaw. I hovered over his face, lips barely an inch from each other, "hey there," I smiled.

"Hey," he chuckled below me. I pressed a lingering kiss to his lips which quickly deepened. He caressed the underside of my wings eliciting a quiet moan, he had found very early on last night just how sensitive my wings were. "Careful what kinda sounds you make if you wanna leave this room today," he murmured.

My wings fluttered in excitement. Now why does that sound so appealing? I sighed, "s'pose we ought to at least make an appearance for lunch." I rolled off of Bucky, slowly getting up from the bed and making my way to the bathroom. At the doorway, I looked over my shoulder at where he was watching me, "care to join me for a shower?"

Bucky smirked, "yes, ma'am." Finally, we got dressed and walked down the hallway to the kitchen, Bucky's arm around my waist in a possessive fashion. "By the way, when we get back, you're all mine."

I giggled and pushed playfully at his chest, "you, make bacon. I'll make waffles." He seemed to perk up even further and followed my demands. I pulled some waffles from the freezer and set them in the toaster while he turned the oven on and started cooking bacon. It was nearly eleven thirty and we were making breakfast, the thought sent me into a fit of laughter, I had never eaten breakfast this late in my life but I sure could get used to it.

"Hey lovebirds," Sam called as he sauntered in, "should I guess why you're up so late?"

I paused in my spreading of the peanut butter, knife in hand. I looked up slowly, giving him a very particular 'I wanna murder you' look, "You are so lucky that I like him more than I want to stab you."

"Point taken, I'll get out of your hair . . . Cupid." Sam smirked. Then out of nowhere, a knife came hurtling at him, pinning the inside of his pants to the wall, "eek!"

"I missed," Bucky growled from behind me, his chest pressed against my back. "Insult my girl again, and we're gonna have a problem." Oh I loved it when he called me his girl. Turning, I kissed his cheek briefly, a message that we both understood and no one else need question. Sam quickly left us alone and we ate our breakfast of waffles and bacon together in comfortable silence.

That was until Steve, Natasha, and Tony came in talking with some girl, a blonde only as tall as Steve's shoulder. I had never met her before, never even seen her, but it was clear that I was the one she was talking about. "—she's out of control, she terrorized a civilian and stabbed an Avenger, we can't just let her—"

"Let me what?" I cut her off, announcing my presence to the group who clearly hadn't seen either me or Bucky in the room.

But my question didn't seem to faze her. "Let you do whatever the hell you wanna do, it's dangerous."

"Honey, I'm the definition of dangerous." I don't know what it was, perhaps the high from last night, but I was feeling bold and particularly aggressive. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Bucky smirking, and Tony for sure snorted, "Now does someone wanna tell me who she is before I—"

"My name is Sharon Carter," she cut me off. God, that pissed me off.

"Was I speaking to you? No, I wasn't. Cut me off again like that and I'll find a creative place to shove my toothbrush." I turned to the rest of the group, some of whom were trying to hold back laughter, others giving me disappointed looks, I think you know exactly who had which.

"And that's exactly why you need to be on a tighter leash." That comment snapped the part of me where my Hydra training resided. I turned myself to metal as I advanced on her, stopping only when I towered over her relatively short stature.

I rested one of my metal hands on her shoulder, making sure that my thumb rested threateningly over her windpipe. "Say that again, see what happens." I wasn't entirely certain what I was going to do, I was wrestling with myself for control and I didn't know who would win out.

"Angel." Bucky warned as he stood up, ready to intervene. The sound of his voice brought me back to reality and helped me gain control. I knew it was more for my benefit than hers that he was intervening, he clearly didn't like her either, but he had probably seen the temptation to cause her harm in my eyes. I had considered it, I really did, but this was just a scare-tactic, for now. That comment about the leash though, it made me want to do bad things to her, I had only recently been released and was still dealing with the effects of what it had done to me, I wasn't gonna go back on a leash ever again.

I ignored him as I repeated, "go ahead, say it again." I put a very small amount of pressure on her windpipe when she remained silent, making her flinch before I released her, "that's what I thought." She was lucky that I hadn't used nearly enough force to leave a mark. "Get out of my sight." I growled at her. She scurried from view, tail tucked between her legs. I returned to Bucky's side, dropping my forehead against his chest, "I'd like to drop her from a great height."

Bucky wrapped his arms around me and sighed "yeah, she's kind of awful." We were ignoring absolutely everyone else in the room, knowing that they really didn't matter, all that ever mattered was each other. "I saw it." Only he and I knew what he was talking about.

I didn't meet his eyes as I admitted, "I considered it, then I realized even if I had, it wouldn't have done any good."

I finally met his eyes and was slightly surprised to see pride in their blue depths, "it took me half a year to figure that one out. You're doing good, Angel, so much better than me."

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