The Bouquet

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Lemme just say, I'm gonna tease whoever catches the bouquet at my wedding (if I even get married that is). Especially if they're in a relationship. Sorry not sorry lol


Third Person's P.O.V.

"Alright everyone," Renée, Ken's newlywed wife, announced, "It's time to throw the bouquet!"

Almost immediately, all the unmarried women gathered round where Renée was standing. That meeting place happened to be a couple feet in front of the table Ben was seated at. He was sitting in a chair with his back to the crowd. He was also too busy talking with Kevin to pay attention to what was going on.

"3... 2... 1!"

Renée threw the bouquet behind her. All the ladies in the small crowd frantically jumped up, arms outstretched in an attempt to catch it. The bouquet flew right over all of them, much to their disappointment. Out of instinct, Ben's right arm shot up to catch what was flying at him before it hit him on the back of the head. That just so happened to be the bouquet.

"Aw man..." Ben mumbled upon realizing what he just caught.

He turned around in his chair to see the crowd of unmarried ladies staring at him. Some were very upset they didn't catch it, others were already going back to their tables and a select few were cheering. The most enthusiastic being Gwen, Lucy and Renée herself.

"I guess we know who's getting married next," Lucy snorted.

"Now you don't have an excuse to keep waiting to marry Rook," Gwen teased.

Ben glanced down at the bouquet in his hand, then towards his cousins and new in law, and finally to Rook who was at the bar ordering drinks. His face went bright red and he began stuttering incoherent gibberish.

"What is wrong with Ben?" Rook asked Kevin when he came back to the table, several drinks in hand.

"You'll figure it out," Kevin smirked, taking a drink from the revonnahgander and downing it in one go.

Rook gave Kevin a confused look then saw the bouquet firmly in Ben's grasp. It was his turn to blush but luckily it was hidden beneath his fur.



Place your bets in the comments on how long it'll take for either of them to propose.

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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