28:Being a doctor.

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Chapter twenty-eight: Being a doctor.

Yu An opened her eyes and looked around

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Yu An opened her eyes and looked around. She found herself on a field.

❝What the fuck happened? ❞ she asked massaging her sore body.

Mo, who was standing on a rock and carver some wood with his knife, looked at the freshly woken up Yu An and said:

❝You passed out after entering the barrier.❞

Yu An stood up and stretched her body a little.

❝I see. Have you checked around? ❞

Mo searched for something in his pocket.

❝There is a big city close by. I went and bought you these meat buns. ❞ He said and threw the bag with two, now cold, meat buns.

Yu An stomach growled.

❝Thank you for the meal! ❞ The woman said and took a big bite out of the bun.

Mo continued to carve peacefully.

❝You don't need food? ❞Yu An asked as she chewed satisfied with the taste.

❝No. ❞

❝What kind of place is this? I thought we will meet something less alive on this side. ❞Yu An asked as she ate the two meat buns.

❝It seems like it's part of this world. The spiritual energy is also stronger here so you'll be able to level up soon. ❞

❝Wait, you've already leveled up!❞Yu An shouted shocked and grabbed Mo's leg and began to pull it. ❝You're a god level now! I'm so jealous! I will surpass you soon! ❞

❝Stop pulling my leg! ❞Mo complained and pushed Yu An away.

Yu An crossed her arms before her chest and turned around with a 'humph!'.

Mo sighed helpless and stood up.

❝Let's go check out the town. I've heard there is need for a psysician and we may make some money. ❞

Yu Am jumped up and looked at him smiling.

❝Money, you say? Let's go then! ❞

Mo lead the way and soon they reach a town filled with busy people and chatter.

❝Look at those two... they look so beautiful. ❞

❝Hm, hm, they aren't from here for sure. ❞

The crowd looked at Yu An and Mo chattering and whispering to each other.

Mo subtly pointed his finger at a piece of paper pinned on a wall and Yu An stopped to read it.

It was indeed a reward for whoever cures the Marquis's son.

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