37:A way.

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Chapter thirty-seven:A way.

❝Sister!! ❞Xia Mi'er screamed in pain

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❝Sister!! ❞Xia Mi'er screamed in pain.

❝It's alright, breathe in and out. I want warm water, towels and scissors. Wang Shu, out. ❞Yu An ordered as she walked and positioned between her sisters legs.

❝I'll be at the door. ❞Wang Shu said and walked out of the room.

Mei and Rin brought the items Yu An requested.

Yu An undressed Xia Mi'er's lower half.

❝I never thought I'll have to help someone give birth. ❞ she mumbled.

Xia Mi'er was panting and screaming.

❝Inhale and push while exhaling. ❞Yu An said looking at her sister who nodded and did as instructed.

❝I see the head, it's getting out. ❞Yu An said and placed a hand under the baby's head to support it.

After more pushing the baby was completely out. Yu An held the baby gently with both her hands so she can supports his body and his head.

❝Rin, take the scissors and cut the ombilical cord. ❞Yu An said looking at Rin.

Rin took the pair of scissors and hesitantly cut where Yu An told her to.

❝Good. You have to push the placenta out and we are done. ❞Yu An said giving her sister a look before attending to the crying, slimy baby in her hands.

Xia Mi'er pushed the placenta out and exhaled tired.

❝You've gone good.❞Yu An said as she cleaned and wrapped the boy in a towel. ❝It's a boy.❞

Xia Mi'er struggled to sit on her ass and held her hands out. Yu An placed the baby in her hands and showed her how to hold it correct.

❝I'll leave you alone with him. ❞Yu An said turning around.

❝Thank you sister... ❞Xia Mi'er said with guilt in her heart.

Yu An kept silent and left the room together with Mei and Rin.

❝How it is? ❞Lizhui asked.

❝Both are fine. ❞Yu An said.

❝What are going to do? ❞Wang Shu asked referring to Yu An's endangered spiritual core.

❝We'll see. Sister's husband has been taken by the one behind this, send people to search for him and call my brother here. We'll talk about it after. ❞Yu An said staring at nothing.

She was worried about her spiritual core, without it she couldn't be a cultivator. Something must be done.

❝All right. Lizhui, I'll leave the searching for you. I'll sent a letter to Xia Liuxian. ❞Wang Shu ordered.

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