Part 3

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Draven's POV

I opened my eyes when I feel the sun on my face. I'm really still very sleepy, I just slept at 5 this morning because I was having fun playing games on my PlayStation and now it's 10 am, it's means I only sleep 5 hours am and that's not enough for me. Luckily it's Saturday, so weekend, no school. Actually, I'm not very lucky, because I want to sleep again but surely my mom will know right away if I stay up late so I sleep until noon, and if she finds out then my PlayStation will be confiscated by her, so no, I better wake up.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched, then got up and walked towards the window to open my curtains and windows. When I open my window, my eyes are also wide open, even my mouth is slightly open. Want to know why? Because I just saw my neighbor who was in her room next to mine naked, no I mean half naked because she was only wearing a bra and she's already wearing her pants that are only up to her thighs.

At first she didn't realize that I was looking at her, but when she looked sideways at the window she realized and after that her screams were heard.

"What the hell are you doing!? You peeking at me!?" she shouted at me while covering herself with the blanket, but i'm still silent. Good, Dray, you stare at her like she's the only thing in this world.

Shit, she's so hot.



"What the hell are you thinking with your dirty brain!?" She screams again.

I didn't know what to say, so I stupidly raised my hand to closed my eyes, even though I knew it was too late, I should have done that earlier, stupid Draven.

"It's too late to close your eyes, asshole!!"

Well, did I forget to tell who my neighbors are? Yeah it's her, the only person who calls me asshole, Alicia Clark, my crush.

"Sorry" thats was all I said. After that I quickly turned around and went into my bathroom.


I went downstairs and walked over to Nadine who was watching TV in the lounge with my mom. If you ask about my father then the answer is he is everywhere, he is a soldier so his time is spent out there and rarely see us, once he comes home it's probably only for a few days.

"Hey honey, come here" my mom said and I walk towards them and sit between her and Nadine.

"What are you guys watching?" I asked.

"Vicky Christina Barcelona, ​​it's a Scarlett Johansson movie, you know mom is her big fan" Nadine answer.

"Well, me too, she's hot" I said casually.

"Make it three, I'm a fan too" Nadine said and the three of us burst out laughing.

We continued to watch until an adult scene appeared, and that's when the image of Alicia's half-nakedness came back into my head, even now I see Scarlett Johansson's face turning into Alicia's face.

"Oh shit damn it! turn it off!" I panicked and immediately snatched the remote from my mother's hand and turned off the TV.

My mother and Nadine looked confused.

"Are you okay honey?" My mom ask.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost, Dray," Nadine said with a laugh.

"Ye-yeah i'm okay, I just...well, I was just shocked to see that scene, I wasn't in the right age to watch it. Right mom?"

"Umm, yeah you're right. Sorry mom made you watch that" my mom said.

"You're acting so innocent, are you serious you've never seen anything like this?"

"W-what do you mean? Of course i'm se-serious. I've never, you know it, I'm always with my games"

"Ah yeah right. But... you really look freaked out for someone who's never seen anything like it"

Shit Nadine, stop making me nervous.

"Nadine, stop teasing your sister"

"Hehehe, sorry sis, I'm just kidding"

Even though she has stopped talking, she is still looking at me with her mocking gaze.

"I'm going to Penelope's house" I said then kissed the cheeks of the two dearest women in my life and walked towards the door.

"Go home before dinner" my mother shouted.

"Got it Boss" I replied I then took my black bike and pedaled towards Penelope's house which was a few blocks from mine.


"WHAT!!? YOU SEE ALICIA NAKㅡ" I covered her mouth to stop her from screaming.

"Half, Pen, Half not full! She's wearing her bra and pants. And please stop screaming, people can hear you"

"Well, I'm surprised, okay? It's okay if I scream" she said.

I sat on her bed holding my head with both hands, "What should I do? It keeps popping up in my mind"

Penelope then lay down beside me and stared at the ceiling of her room.

"How about playing a game? You always forget something when it comes to games"

"I tried it earlier after taking a shower, but on my PlayStation TV screen an image of her appeared earlier" I said and lay down beside Penelope.

"Watching movies?"

"I've done that too, with my mother and sister but suddenly when the adult scene appeared I just re-imagined that the actor was her"

"Woah shit, you watch adult movie? With your mom? And your sister?" He said while sleeping on his stomach and looking at me in surprise.

"I didn't know it was an adult movie, my mom even apologized to me for making me watch it. Ok, stop talking about adult films. Do you have any suggestions for me to forget Alicia's half naked or not?" I asked getting annoyed.

"ok ok chill, dude. How about we hangout? To the mall or wherever is up to you, we haven't hangout together in a long time. What do you think?"

I thought for a moment, maybe it could work.

"Alright, that's a great idea. But what do we get there with? It's not possible on a bicycle right?"

Penelope shook her head, "Nah, I'm going to borrow my mom's car. Let's go"

We both went over to her mother and Penelope borrowed her mother's car at the same time asking for permission to go out with me and luckily her mother allowed. If Nadine wants to lend her car to me or at least my parents gave me the motorbike of my dreams, surely we wouldn't have any trouble borrowing a vehicle to go everywhere, but never mind, the important thing now is that I have to forget Alicia's half naked.

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