Part 12

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Up twice today because I haven't updated in almost two weeks. Sorry guys, enjoy.


Three days after Draven and Brooks fight - Third day of Draven's suspension.

Alicia's POV

Today, I am alone with no one. Brooks is in the interschool competition for today and the next few days, and Nadine isn't going to school today, she's already told me that her and her family are going to Vermont, visiting her father's parents a.k.a. her grandma and grandpa.

By the way, since the events of that day, I feel like Draven is ignoring me. Like yesterday, the two of us accidentally met when I wanted to throw the trash in the trash can in front of my house, and she had just finished jogging with her father, when our gazes meet, she immediately turned her gaze to another direction without wanting to look at me for long, though usually she always does something just to annoy me.

That means she's ignoring me, right?

But, why am I thinking about that? Wouldn't it be great if she stop bothering me? Is this what I wanted all along. Then why do I feel something is missing?

Shit, thinking about this makes me dizzy.

I sat alone in the cafeteria while eating my food until someone put the tray of food in front of me, I looked up and it was Penelope.

"Hello" she greeted me as she sat in front of me.

"Hai" I smiled back.

"Is it okay if I'm sitting here? I'm bored and alone, Draven is still suspended and the three boys are hanging out playing online games, I'm being ignored" said Penelope.

First, she asked permission to sit down after she had already sat down. Second, I know the three boys she's referring to are Peter, Tyler, and Brandon.

I just nodded in approval.

"I know how you feel, I'm alone without Nadine and Brooks" I said.

"Well I don't really care about the boys, I just feel lonely without my annoying bestfriend" she said as she chewed on her food.

"Don't worry, she and Nadine will be back tomorrow after all, right?"

"Owh, I don't think Nadine told you, or maybe she forget. They'll be there for a few days" said Penelope.

I was surprised because I didn't know about this, maybe Nadine had forgotten to tell me.

"Yeah she probably forget to tell me" Actually I wonder what kept them there that long, but I feel awkward to asking Penelope.

"Tomorrow is Dray's birthday, so Nadine and her parents are planning to celebrate her birthday there" Penelope said as if she had just read my mind.

Draven's Birthday?

"O-oh. I don't know about that either"

"Tomorrow, I, Peter, Tyler, and Brandon will skip school. We are going to Vermont tomorrow, we also want to celebrate Draven's birthday there" she said again.

I nodded, "But, why did you tell me about this?"

"Just in case you want to come. You can get in the same car with me and Peter, Tyler and Brandon can get in another car"

"I can come?" I asked doubtfully.

"Of course, I'm sure she would be happy if you were there"

"She?" Who is she that Penelope mean? Nadine or

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