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[Next day jk woke up first he saw he got a msg from mr.shin he open it and it says tht jk needs to be there by 9 am since they need to discuss for the meeting and jk got up and saw tae was still sleeping and he did his mrng routine and made breakfast for both of them and he ate his and wrote a small note for tae and went to the office while going jk called jimin ]

Jimin: yes bro wht happended?

Jk: go to my house and take care of tae ...

Jimin: why .....arent u at home....?

Jk: no i am going to the company......

Jimin: jk i am sry ....i was just teasing u yesterday ....if tae wont see u he will be sad...

Jk: tht is y i am sending u .....go to my and tell taehyung tht i went to the company because of important work and yes u both can hangout if u both want to

[without lettingjimin reply jk hang the call and he sighed and went to the office and mr.shin said]

Mr.shin: sir we have meeeting in next 2 days with mr.sha ....and u need to lead it as u r the ceo

Jk: its ok i will do it just send the files

Mr.shin: sure sir...everything is ready sir

[jk nodded his head and went to his cabin]

Ii meanwhile at tae house ii

[ jimin came to jk and tae house and saw tht taw was still seeping so he was in living room watching tv soon tae came down and saw jimin so he asked him]

Tae: jimin???Where is jk??

Jimin: ohh tae....jk went to the company because of sudden important work....and he said he made u breakfast

[tae nodded his head and went to the kitchen and saw his breakfast and a note he took it and started reading it ]

hey hubby.....good mrng.....i already ate my breakfast so eat urs now....and i am sry i needed to go to company because of important work.....and i sent jimin so u dont feel lonely......

[tae just smiled at his words and specially "hubby" and he had his breakfast and jimin already had it at home and came here.....and after having breakfast he came to the living room and sat beside jimin who was a little sad so he asked]

Tae: what happended jimin ....y r u sad

Jimin: uk tae let it be any important work he always says me hi and talks to me.....and then he goes to the company and when no one is around he calls me and starts whinning saying its boring in the company and wanted to go home ........he is cold at office too....and i am the reason for it and till now jk didnt call me *sniffing*

Tae: shh....jiminaa dont cry maybe he is in some importan work.......shall we go to his company and meet him?

Jimin: will you take me there?

Tae: ofc why not??

Jimin: yayy lets go

[ then they went to jk office and tae asked the receptionst who was scared of him since he is the biggest mafia ofc and asked in a cold tone]

Tae: is jungkook available?

Recp: y-yes sir

Tae: where is his cabin?

Recp: let me guide u till there.......

[tae nodded his head and they went to the jk cabin and after tht she went away and tae was abt to open the door when he heard someone shouting ]

???: didnt i tell you to divorse kim taehyung!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all liked this story ....i am sry i know its a small ep...but i promise next one will be a long one and be ready for some drama tooo.....sry if they are any mistakes and u r free to give ur ideas in comment section and i will try to make them......i will try to upload the next ep as soon as possible.......

To be continued....................