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Tae: kookie i wanna say something....

Jk: goahead hubby...

[then tae took jk hands in his softly and said while looking into his eyes]

Tae: jungkook tq for coming into my life and making this boring life a coulourful one .....being a mafia i always lived my life in darkness and i thought it would be like tht till the end but i was wrong u changed my life and you changed me too....i know i was very cold and heartless at the start but to be honest i really felt happy when you agrred for this marraige even after i said you everything abt myself ....u accepted me for who i am u gave me time to adjust and you took a very good care of me and accepted and has been on my sides on my happy and worst moments i said i never had a friend you introduced me to jimin and made it more gave me everything i wanted in my life so kookie

[tae went down on his knees and looked at jk and said]

Tae: will you always keep this cold man in your hearth and give him all the warmth you have and make me the happiest man alive??? jungkook will you love me till the end and let me cherish you?? jungkook i love you......

[by now jk was crying mess and after tae finished jk nodded his head and said]

Jk: yes....i love you too tae and i would love to be in your arms till the end

[tae smiled and hugged jk tightly who was crying in his arms because of happiness and tae said]

Tae: kookie pls stop crying i cant see you crying hmm??

[jk nodded and slowly he calmed down and tae lifted his head and smashed his lips onto jk and jk smiled and responded back after few min they pulled apart and tae said]

Tae: i love youu....

Jk: i love you too....tae...

[tae smiled and after tht they had their dinner and after tht tae took him into a room where it was beautifuly decorated and jk said ]

Jk: wow tae its soo good

Tae: u liked it?

Jk: i loved it tae .....

[tae smiled and picked jk and layed him on the bed softly and hovered over him and kissed him softly and jk also kissed him back and he let tae do what ever he wants and after the kiss tae moved to his side and lay down and jk said]

Jk: tae ....

Tae: yes baby?

Jk: will you sleep now?

Tae: yes y?

Jk:uhmmm.....tae u love me right?

Tae: ofc i do....

Jk: then show me how much you do....

Tae: but kookie i think you are not ready yet and you just woke up yest----

[jk cut him off by kissing him and tae also responded back and after the kiss jk said ]

Jk: tae ....dont think too much and i want i-it....

Tae: you sure?? Cause i dont wanna force nor hurt you

Jk: you would never tae .....i know you would never hurt me...

[tae smiled softly and hovered over jk and kissed him softly and after the kiss he said]

Tae: i love you....

[jk smiled and tae kissed him again and after some time he started to move towards his neck and jk grabbed his hair tightly .........and like tht the night went long they both showed how much they love each other ]

|| next morning ||

[tae woke up first and saw tht jk was sleeping like a baby in his arms and he kissed his forehead and jk woke up and tae said ]

Tae: did i wake u?

Jk: no....

Tae: are you okay???

Jk: yeah i guess

[jk stood u but immediately fall down because of pain and tae said]

Tae: omg baby are u okay? Let me help you

[after getting fresh and having breakfast they both went home and as soon as they entered jin asked]

Jin: so kookie how was ur date [in a teasing manner ]

Jk: aishh hyung

Jimin: jin hyung as you can see kookie we can see his date went very well hmm??

[tae chuckled at jk state as he was a whole tomato and jk came near tae and hugged him and hide his head in his chest and tae also hugged him back and said ]

Tae: ayi ayi....stop teasing him.....

[everyone laughed and jk looked at everyone and saw tht tae was smiling with his boxy smile and jk whispered in his ear]

Jk: your natural smile is very beautiful....always be happy

[tae smiled at him and nodded his head]

Hope you all liked this part and i will try to post next part as soon as poosible and sry for any mistakes

To be continued....