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[The next day jimin tae and jk are in the living room after they finished their breakfast and tae said]

Tae: so lets start our plan.... First of all jk u will call seo-ki and tell her tht we are coming to the house for lunch ok??And inform ur parents too...

Jk: i already informed mom yesterday she said she is excited to meet us....

Tae:perfect i guess u know wht to do...

Jk:yeah i need to act all down near seo-ki

Tae:yep and yeah don't take anything seriously if i say something to you

Jk:aish don't worry hubby i trust u

Tae:hmm and jimin u can stay at home u will join us later


(with tht tae and jk went to jk house they were welcomed by a sweet hug from his parents and  jk mom said)

Jk mom: hlo dear and hlo tae

(tae just nodded his head)

Jk dad: how r u both??

Jk: we are fine dad

Seo-ki: don't lie my baby bro

Jk: u don't have to interfere in it its my personal issue

Seo-ki: ofc yes...

Jk mom:hmm come lets get in

(after they had dinner jk dad said)

Jk dad: son and jk we r sry but we need to leave for a business trip....

Tae:its ok.... Have a safe journey

Jk mom: tq bye dear..

Jk:bye mom and dad

(after jk parents left seo-ki said)

Seo-ki: so tae how have u been

Jk:he will be fine if u will stop hitting on him!!!!

Seo-ki:y this perfection is ur husband where as u r not even worth of anything

Tae: jungkook go and get me a glass of water (cold tone)

Jk:y-yes..... (scared)

(then jk went to the kitchen and seo-ki said)

Seo-ki:u did a good thing by keeping him in control

Tae: ofc i would its my wish.... But u know it would be much better if i married u....

Seo-ki: what..... Haha... No need i am happy like this....

Tae: i don't care......

(then jk came and gave him a glass of water and after drinking he slightly yelled at the younger saying)

Tae: do i have to tell u to massage my shoulders now huh!?!?

Jk: n-no i w-will do i-it

(with tht jk went and started to massage tae shoulders actually at home also he does when ever tae is tired and seo-ki was satisfied seeing all of this...)

Tae: i will punish u today be ready

Jk:n-no sir pls n-no..... I am s-sry i will never do it again

Tae:ofc u wont after i punish you....

(jk just looked down)

Seo-ki: what punishment u will. Give him?

Tae:first thing i will beat him up and then make him clean all the house and then do my files and ofc no food for a whole day (smirk)

(jk gulped listening to it and tae noticed it but he kept his poker face and seo-ki said)

Seo-ki: woahh thts grt u deserve it sl't

Tae: dont u dare say anything to him !!!!

Seo-ki: huh??

Tae:its only me who will call him with names he is mine and i wont let anyone to tell him anything....

Seo-ki: ohh ok.... U know i used to torture him too wanna know.....

Tae: sure tell me maybe it might help....

Seo-ki:yep surely it will...... So i used to take him into the room and lock him up to the chair and take my knife abd draw arts on his arms and then i call my mens and they will beat him with belt until he coughs blood and after tht i lose his chains and he falls down and we start kicking him if he goes unconscious we splash hot water on his face...... And we beat him until we are satisfied and after tht we leave him there for whole night without food and water.....

(jk tightly grabbed tae shoulders as he was fighting his best not to break down and tae noticed it and said)

Tae: woah u r good at torturing ppl..... But i guess i need to go now i need to teach him some lesson...

Seo-ki: oh yeah sure ofc come back again so tht i can tell u more

(tae just nodded and dragged jk out from there and made him sit in the car as he drove a little jk started to cry very badly tae stopped the car at the side and side hugged him and said)

Tae: kookie... Shhh.... I am here.... Calm down kookie.....

Jk: tae~~(sniff)

(tae pulled him on his lap and jk immediately hugged him tightly and tae was rubbing his back and started to say soothing words)

Tae:shh..... I am here.... Stol crying.... She wont be able to do anything to u.... I promise...

Jk: i am scared....

Tae: shhh .... Baby don't be i am here just few days hmm?


(jk was still hugging him and tae drove the car to his house with jk on his lap and he was continuously was crying after few min they reached home and tae saw tht jk was sleeping so he carried him and when jimin saw he asked)

Jimin: omg what happened to him?

Tae: i will keep him in bed and come wait.....

Jimin: hmm ok....

(then tae went and made jk sleep and he came downstairs and said everything to jimin and jimin said)

Jimin: tht bit'h.... I will kill her

Tae: even i wanted to do tht but we need to wait

Jimin: how is he?

Tae: dont worry he will be fine....

Jimin: hmm...

Hope u like this part sry tht i uploaded very late..... I will try to next one soon

To be continued.........

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