Chapter 9 Plans Backfired

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Sarada decided to give some privacy to the newly wedded couple. When she advised Dev to take Anu on a trip, he refused on the spot. So she decided to take on a pilgrimage tour for herself as she also wants to thank the Gods for letting this marriage happen.

As his mother is out of the city, Dev planned to play with Anu. That night, he brought a female model, Reena, to his house and asked Anu to cook dinner. Reena looked elegant with her tall and svelte frame. Moreover, her glowing skin, healthy hair, and that killer smile added to her beauty.

Without a word, Anu started cooking. Both Dev and Reena were watching TV in the living room. Dev asked Anu to bring some snacks. When Anu entered the living, Reena was astonished to see her simple beauty. She questioned.

"Dev, who is this chicky?"

"No one of importance, just my maid." - he answered flatly.

"Wow, I never knew that your maids are this much beautiful, good taste Dev" - she amused.

Dev didn't answer her, and he never thought that a supermodel like Reena would praise a simple girl like Anu. Later, when they were having their dinner, Anu by mistake spilled a little bit of hot soup on Reena's hand.

Dev darted an angry look and shouted.

"You, idiot! Do you know who she is? She is the Brand Ambassador for L'oreal, the topmost brand of cosmetics; how come you will know those things, and you're such an illiterate country bumpkin. Bring the first aid kit"

Anu felt humiliated, but she did as he instructed, but she didn't cry, well not publicly. She acted like she didn't care and played dumb and ignored Dev, which drove him mad.

Dev was dressing her burn, which is not even visible. Taking it as her cue, Anu rushed inside a guest room. As Sarada is not here, she decided to stay in that room for the time being.

Reena felt amused at the sight and found something fishy about her. But she didn't discuss that with Dev. "Why she is staying in a guest room?" - she thought to herself.

Though being a topmost model, she occasionally roams with Dev as he is a benefactor of their company. It's like a win-win situation for both of them. Dev likes being surrounded by beautiful models, and Reena used his fame to receive more projects.

The whole week was a testing period for Anu. Dev did ridiculous things, but Anu ignored him like she was not even affected a bit. One day he soiled his room purposefully and made Anu clean his room personally. Though the maids came forward to clean up the mess, he strictly ordered them to stay back.

He behaved like a spoiled kid. Though he tried to torture her, his eyes conveyed a different message. He was scared of falling for her personality. She was the same type of person he likes. But his pride stopped him from admitting that. Anu also noticed his gaze that is contradictory to his actions.


I miss my family and my dear Aunt. She is the only person who understands my feelings. Dev is trying to torture me by all means, and he even called me by name. I only chose this life, but I was tired of my life at that time. With no job, bedridden father, and I was on the edge of the fall. I feared that I could not save my family, but Sarada madam came like a saviour. Now my family is doing well, which is more than I wished for. Now I can continue my studies.

Dev is a good man by heart, and only his experience turned him into a heartless man. He is doing all these things to earn my hatred, but I can't hate him.

I was wrong when I assumed him to be an arrogant guy. How can he be so petty? Such a baby. Though I didn't dream about my future husband, he is the one with whom I will spend the rest of my life. I hope he will change over time, and I can wait for that time to come. Until then, I will shower my selfless love for him. He needs to be taken care of. At a young age, he built this empire, and in this, he forgets about his happiness. What he thought was serenity was not happiness, and I will help him in seeing the world in a new light.

But am I good enough for him? See that Reena is the epitome of beauty. I can never compete with a model like her. But Auntie preferred me over those girls. Am I not beautiful? True beauty lies not in the physical appearance, but the heart and, my heart is big enough for him. I was born to be real, and not to be perfect. I am me, nothing more, nothing less, and that is enough.

I think he is trying to send me out of this house, but I am indebted to this family, and I won't leave this house unless Auntie says so. I don't know what the future has in store for me, but I will try my best to earn his affection. It may sound ridiculous, but I have been raised like this, and I will be always grateful for the ones who helped during my tough time, even if it costs my life. For this to happen, I have to be strong, and I should not cry in front of others. I never knew how strong I was until I married Dev. I forgive people, but that doesn't mean that I accept his behaviour; time will heal everything. I will wait. Dev will change for good, and that day is not so far.

End of POV

The maids in the mansion were so scared of Dev's reaction, and they didn't open their mouths when Sarada returned. The day before Sarada returned, Dev warned Anu.

"If you want to tell on me and make my mother angry? I swear, I will make your life a living hell."

"As you wish, Sir!" - she replied with a teasing smile.

Anu's reaction irritated him more. He had a feeling, though, that Anu wouldn't say anything. Though she came from struggling family background, she is not a naive girl, but a polished person with confidence and knows how to articulate her emotions. During the humiliation process, Dev unwittingly engaged with Anu several times, forming an unspoken bond with her.

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