Chapter 20 Staying at her house

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Anu was brainwashing her brother Arjun for not accepting Dev's invitation.

Contrarily, Arjun was in his thoughts about his next move. After a while, he opened his mouth.

"It won't be nice, Anu, if I reject his invitation. He is my only Mama, right?" - he grinned ear to ear.
A/N - Mama-  Tamil word for Sister's husband.

"You..." - Anu gritted her teeth. But she decided to convince her brother.

"Are you my sweetheart?" Are you going to listen to what I'm saying? Please ...pretty please, say them, no." - she pleaded.

"Yes, I am your beloved brother, which is why I am attempting to resolve the issues,"- Arjun thought to himself.

"No, Anu, you are my sister; you can understand me. But Dev Mama, he is new to our family, we should not hurt his feelings." - Arjun justified.

Anu felt helpless about the situation. Her brother itself against her decision. When she was thinking like this with her hands on her hips, Dev entered the room.

Dev had been restlessly waiting in the living room, chatting with Mohan.

As it was taking so long, Mohan asked Dev to check what the siblings were doing in the room. Dev promptly entered her room after taking it as his cue. This is his first visit to her house, and very much to her room. He sensed a warm atmosphere. Though it is smaller when compared with his gigantic mansion, it felt like a home with liveliness with the people there. He felt warmth in his heart.

"Come in, Mama." - Arjun welcomed Dev and asked him to sit in the chair.

But Anu was staring at Dev with a 'What you did?' look.

"Am I disturbing you guys." - Dev asked guiltily.

"Not at all, Mama; we are just planning how I can reach the school from there." - Arjun replied, leaving Anu in shock.

"That's not a problem at all; I can drop you off in person. Anyway, your school is on the way to my office." - Dev, who has no idea where his school is, replied with a big grin.

"You need help in packing things." - he added.

Anu wanted to slap him across the face. She had previously stated, as if to a child, that she required some time. Dev, on the other hand, keeps pushing her to the edge.

"No thanks," she answered irritably.

Anu was in a situation to make a decision.

"Why am I continually being compelled to do things?" she wondered.

Like understanding her situation, Dev wanted to apologize to her. He asked Arjun to pack his things and promised to help his sister. When Arjun exited the room, Dev came in front of Anu and gave a pleading look.

"Sorry, Anu. I didn't mean to do it. I was just standing in a corner doing nothing. I had a wish to see your face. Mama simply saw me and invited me in." - Dev clarified.

Mama- Tamil word for uncle.

"Oh, then your criminal mind advised you to take advantage of the situation, right? I had told you that I need time, then why are you forcing me?" - she said angrily.

Dev, who had never faced a situation like this before, was at a loss for words. Taking a deep breath, he explained.

"Anu, I am feeling lonely there. Mom and you are the only people who care for me. Mom left me already, and if you are also staying away from me, it is killing me. I have never been in a relationship before, and that's why my actions may be demanding. But I'm doing it all just to be with you. I didn't value my loved ones back then. I'm now standing alone, with no one to guide me. If you also leave me like this, I may succumb to anxiety. "Please, Anu," Dev said, speaking the longest sentence he had ever spoken to someone.

Anu was dumbfounded for a minute. She saw an entirely different Dev in front of her. The Dev she knew never pleaded with anyone like this. Anu being light-hearted, cannot take it anymore.

"Hi, you are not alone." - she said by taking his hands.

When they were standing like this, Anu's mother Seetha announced,

"Dinner ready, Anu."

"Yes, Mom coming."

It was a simple meal with no fancy dishes, but it tasted heavenly for Dev.

He got the royal treatment from Seetha. She filled his plate like there is no tomorrow.

Anu choked her food when Mohan said,

"Thambi, it's already late; why can't you sleep here today and take Anu tomorrow?"

Anu knows his opulence. His bedroom is the epitome of luxury and comfort, and it would cost a fortune. Whereas, the only comfort in Anu's room is a simple twin bed that too very old. Also, how can he sleep without an air conditioner? When she tried to convince her father, Dev replied

"Okay, Uncle. I was also thinking of that, as I can spend some time with you all." - He showed his million-dollar smile.

Mohan said that purposely. He thought of testing his Son-in-law whether he is sincere towards Anu. He very well knew Dev's luxury. When Dev agrees, it means that shows his sincerity to his wife was his thought. Surprisingly, Dev won his test.

Mohan was more than just pleased with Dev's sincerity. Earlier, he was in mixed emotions when Anu came all alone to the house. But now, as Dev followed her, he was on cloud nine.

Later, at night Anu tried to provide him with the best she can do. She fixed the bed with some new blankets and set a table fan for extra air.

But Dev was blinded by her moves. He was watching her moving here and there and arranging things. He sensed her anxiety. So, he just grabbed her hand and spoke.

"Anu, why are you tensed. I don't need anything special. Sleep next to me. I just want to hold you. I am feeling lonely."

Anu stood expressionless. When he told her not to place her leg on his bed, the words he yelled echoed in her ears.

Like sensing her thoughts, he said guiltily, "People would change, Anu; I am not an exception."

Whatever Dev tried to compensate for his past deeds, Anu cannot forget his actions. But Anu was mesmerized by his gestures. The gentleness and softness in his voice, one that she had never heard before, made her calm a little. Slowly she nodded her head and slept beside him. He wrapped his arms around her. He dozed off into the most peaceful sleep which he missed recently.

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