Chapter 32 Meeting Mugil at his place

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Dev was dragged into Mugil's residence by two men. The police officers who had been following decided to surround the premises. As there was a chance that Anu could be trapped inside, they wanted to be cautious so that no one was harmed.

Dev was led down a long hallway and tied in a dimly lit room. His eyes were blinded, so he couldn't see anything. After a while, he sensed footsteps approaching him.

"Are you there, Mugil?" Dev questioned with a trembling voice.

"Yes, Yours One and Only Mugil," he bellowed.

"Whatever the issue was, you should have discussed it with me. "Mugil, why are you doing this?" Dev's question sounded more like a plea.

"I still have no idea where I went wrong." He further said.

"Just now I was lecturing your wife, you too listen. I don't want to do service to your family anymore. I wasted my youth by serving you like a servant. We both came out of the college at the same time. I didn't dream anything for me and started working with you for your dreams.

Your status increased day by day, but I am still in the same page. Because of you, I lost my individuality. Even if I had started a modest business, I would have become the owner by now. But by spending years with you, I am known as your left-hand, who runs errands. I was never given the respect I deserved. You would tell everytime, that I am a partner, but did you ever started a business in my name. "Dev group of companies", Dev the Business giant" Dev, Dev, Dev everywhere. Your partnership offers are only in papers. I was that dummy partner always. I've never been treated with respect than as your personal assistant.

I am done with this drama; I'm ready for my own privilege. I wish to start my own life. That's why I kidnapped your sweetheart, so that my job would be easy" He exclaimed angrily.

Despite saying all of that, Mugil lacked the courage to look Dev in the eyes. That's why he didn't take off his blindfold. Mugil is basically a sweetheart. He became such a guy as a result of his long-term hostility and expectations.

Dev's words seemed to become lodged in his throat. He had no idea Mugil was feeling this way. He always treated him as if he were a family member, and he never regarded his own development. However, he now realises that retaining Mugil for his own good was a huge mistake. He finally spoke after a long period of mental anguish.

"Mugil, I apologise if you believe I am to blame for your current position. I was too preoccupied with achieving my objectives to notice your state of mind. But you would have talked with me. We are not strangers to meet like this. Leave it. Once broken, always broken, We can't fix what's broken. What you want me to do now? Tell me?"

"I, too, don't want to compromise to you, and I don't want to deal with you. I intend to make my life in London. I'd like 50% of all your assets as part of my settlement. I'm going to start all over again. I don't want to deal with you any longer. I want everything in cash, not as a paper partnership. I'm going to start my own company." Mugil shot back.

Dev cannot speak a word, with a heavy heart he answered,

"As you wish. Tell me where I have to sign?"

Mugil was taken aback by his reaction. He assumed Dev would reject his proposition because he never let his hard work go to waste for others. Despite the fact that Mugil accompanied him throughout his journey, the success of their firm was due to Dev's leadership and hard work. Dev, on the other hand, accepted his proposal without saying anything. When Dev refused, Mugil was ready to quarrel with him. Dev, on the other hand, didn't say anything. Mugil was perplexed by this.

Though Dev was blindfolded, he can sense his ex-friends's mindset. Like reading his mind, he explained.

I understand what you're thinking. If it had been the old Dev, I would have been battling and rolling with you on the floor by now. But it was only recently that I realised the genuine worth of the relationships. I realised this when I lost my mother. My heart nearly stopped when I discovered my Anu was vanished. Why do we labour and earn money? Only for the sake of our loved ones. Money and fame were no longer important to me.

I didn't understand the importance of family back then. I'm not going to be that jerk anymore. I thought we were true friends, but I didn't do enough to earn your affection. At the very least, I'd like to be a good husband to Anu. If this money gets me my Anu back, I am happy to give my entire wealth to you. I am young enough to start from the scratch." he confidently stated.

If Dev could see Mugil's face, he would have noticed his mixed emotions. For a brief while, Mugil himself thought he had gone too far. But, as Dev pointed out, what happened can't be undone. He couldn't react because he felt ashamed. However, his ego compelled him to react.

"Who wants your entire wealth? I want my fifty percent share. My lawyer will arrive shortly; all you have to do now is sign the papers and return with your Anu."

"But I want to see my Anu now. Let the lawyer come. Please, Mugil, do me this favour. She should've been terrified. I'd like to talk to her." Dev pleaded.

While they were discussing like this, the police surrounded the entire building. More forces were set in action. Some of the Mugil's men noticed this and informed him.

"You revealed your true nature, you criminal mind. You arrived with the police." Mugil screamed angrily.

Dev then became aware of what was going on around him. Even if he refuses, Mugil will no longer believe him, so he kept his mouth shut.

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