Chapter 33 Neither friend nor an enemy

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When the police encircled the house, Mugil became agitated. He is not a born criminal, and these stunts terrified him to death. At the moment, he could not think straight, so he decided to find a solution through Dev.

"Look, Dev. Whether you inform them or not is not the matter, I have to come out from this without any case. Whatever you do, I don't care. But the police have to believe that I am innocent. If you don't do this, then I have to deal with this differently. Remember, your Anu is with me." He bargained.

Dev grew furious when Mugil brought Anu in. He was also not in the mood for a rivalry with Mugil; so, he devised a strategy.

"Listen, pay attention. I have already agreed to your terms and will not change my mind; Let's go outside as if nothing happened. I'll let the police know that Anu is safe and that she spoke with me from her friend's home. Also, the case would be dismissed. We'll convince them that nothing happened. Please, inform the lawyer that we will be meeting in the office. We can do the paperwork once everything settles," Dev suggested.

Mugil thought the notion was sensible as well, but knowing Dev's business acumen, his mind wouldn't let him accept it.

He questioned, "How can I believe you in this?"

"You know how precious Anu is to me. Let Anu be with you. But you should let me see her right now. Also, assure me that you will treat Anu with respect and not harmed. He stated his case.

Dev couldn't believe what he was saying. It's like messing around with fire. But he doesn't have a choice, and to make Mugil trust him, he has to do that.

Mugil pondered for a moment before agreeing to his requirements. He does not have any other choice.

"All right, deal." He was confident.

Then they took Dev to the dark chamber where Anu was bound. Mugil was apprehensive about confronting them. So, after giving his people some instructions, he stepped somewhere inside.

Dev's blindfold was removed, and his hands were set free. He ran near Anu and held her hands.

"Don't worry, Anu, I'm here. Everything is fine," he said as he took off her blindfold and helped her out of the chair.

She felt as if her life had come back to her after meeting Dev. She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed on his shoulder.

"Anu, baby see. Don't cry; The situation has been resolved. Just stay here for a while. Mugil and I need to work out some issues. I'll accompany him to the office and be back in no time. You must remain strong until then." Dev consoled her.

"No, Dev. He is not what we thought. Don't leave me here. Take me with you." She wept.

Dev felt like crying on seeing her state. But, if he took Anu with him, Mugil may create a problem. So he decided to persuade her.

"I know, Anu. But we must find a way out of this situation. I already discussed this with Mugil. His men had already been instructed. You can take a rest here in the next room. No one can hurt you. He promised to look after you nicely. "Trust me." He explained it to her by caressing her on the back and kissing her on the forehead.

After listening to him, Anu felt relieved. She did, however, warn Dev to be cautious around Mugil. Dev went to the living room after kissing her goodbye and met Mugil there. After all of the kidnapping drama, this is Dev's first face-to-face meeting with Mugil.

Mugil shifted his gaze away from him and announced.

"Come let's go. Don't keep your poker face."

Dev felt nothing with him. After the series of incidents, he considered Mugil neither friend nor an enemy. In any circumstances, they can't go back to their olden days, so he decided to play mute.

When Dev and Mugil stepped out like buddies, the policemen who had surrounded the building were perplexed. One of the inspectors approached them and questioned about their situation. Dev informed them that Mugil was the one who found Anu, and now she is safe in her friend's house. Despite the absurdity of the situation, the police were powerless to act as the concerned person claims Mugil innocent.

Dev also apologized to the police department for inciting unnecessarily heightened tensions. They couldn't proceed any further as Dev is a VIP, and he withdrew the case himself. They did encourage him, though, to seek assistance if the matter didn't settle. After that, Dev went with Mugil to the office where the lawyer was waiting with papers.

Dev was taken aback when he saw the properties stated so clearly. "After all, he was the one responsible for everything." He pondered his thoughts. He signed all the paperwork and severed all ties with Mugil without saying anything. They didn't say anything further after that. Mugil ordered his men to take Anu to Dev's mansion.

Mugil walked away from the lawyer without turning around. Riya had been waiting outside with teary eyes the entire time. She knew exactly what was going on inside the room without having to ask. Mugil returned to his cabin after exiting the building to get some of his belongings. Someone came in when he was clearing some of the files, and Mugil's eyes met Riya's teary eyes.

Riya just asked two words. She found it difficult to believe Mugil could go to such lengths. "Why Mugil?"

Mugil stood there dumbfounded. He's at a loss for words.

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