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Dream world

Y/n was running from something or someone, when she hit a force field. Turning around to see what was chasing her, she was blinded by a light. Soon after the light disappear, a baby's room appeared. The room had lavender walls with stars on them. There was two figures with their back facing, standing over a sleeping baby in their crib. Y/n moved closer so she can hear them better. She stood in front of them, but was confused when their faces were blurred.

"She's so beautiful, she looks just like you Megan."

"Yes, but I bet she has your personality." The mystery lady said while laughing.

"Too bad, we won't be able to find that out." The mood turned sour and cries could be heard, but it was coming from the mystery lady.

"I don't want to leave her. We can't. She's OUR child, MY ONLY CHILD, Jeremiah."

"I know, but if we take her with us then we'll be putting her in more danger. We both agreed that this is best for her. She'll be able to live her best life until the spell is broken."

"You're right, Hon. I just want to watch her grow and know that we love her." Wow. This couple really loved their child.

The scene in front of her slowly started to glitch and she caught what the couple said before she woke up.

"We love you, y—."


Were they saying my name? No. It's can't be.

Y/n slowly came back from her dream and can hear people talking.

"What happens if she kills us, then what Alice?"

"Why are you always negative, Edward? Beside, I had a vision of her and I knew she connected in some way to everything."

"Please be quiet. She's waking up." When y/n opened her eyes, she was faced with three strangers.

"Hi, y/n. I'm Dr. Cullen. I already checked your injuries but it seemed to heal after a couple of minutes." A kind man with blonde hair and butterscotch color eyes.

His hands are really cold. Wait, they're probably vampires. Just great.

"Do you have problems with vampires or something?" A dude with brown messy hair and same eyes as Dr. Cullen exclaimed with suspicion and curiosity.

"Something like that." Let's see if he likes when other people use his gift. "Wow, you already plan on killing me, Edward." Edward was shocked she read his mind. He tried to see how she knew but she blocked her mind.

"It's rude to read other people's mind without their permission. If you ask politely, I might tell you. And, Dr. Cullen, thank you but I really should get going before my dad calls." Y/n swung her legs over to the side of the bed and stood up. She looked down and realized her clothes were changed.

"I changed you. You were covered in dirt and parts of your clothes were ripped." Alice states seeing y/n stare at her clothes.

"Thank you but you didn't have to change me. I'm used to clothes like that." Catching all of their attention but Alice thought it was just because of what y/n is.

"What does that mean? If you need a place to stay or to talk to, here's my business card." Carlisle handed y/n while sending her a sympathetic smile.

"Not that you guys care but my sister isn't really fond of me. When she borrowed (more like steal) my clothes, she'll return it with rips and sometime spill bleach on them. Thank you for the card but I don't really think I'll use it." Everyone else went hunting so it was just them, when they reached the front door y/n felt a bit better talking with them.

"I hope to see you at our graduation tomorrow. Here you go, incase you don't already have an invitation." Alice handing her a ticket and giving y/n a warm hug (despite her being cold).

"Thank you. Well, see you tomorrow then."

Swan Residence

"What do you mean she ran off? No, I don't believe it. She would never do that. Bella, are you sure she didn't have something else to do?" Charlie asked pleading sound in his voice.

Ugh. Why does he even care? He should care about me first, I mean I'M HIS REAL DAUGHTER. "Yea, I'm sure. She just left me there. Jake had to come and drop me off. Why doesn't y/n like me?" Bella was able to get a few tears out.

"Who doesn't like you? Me?" Y/n walked through the front door.

What? Why is she here?? Damnit! I can't let her near dad or she'll ruin my plans.

Wow. I see why Edward likes to read other people's minds. "Sorry, I'm late dad. I tried texting and calling you but my phone died."

"I'm so glad you're back. I was worried sick about you. Why did you run off and leave your sister at the Black's residence?" Charlie pulled y/n into a hug and stepped back so she can answer.

So that's the lie she went with. Well, two can play that game. "Sorry, but I went to pick up Bella's graduation gift. I didn't tell her because I didn't want to ruin the surprise." Y/n gave Charlie a sweet smile and Charlie felt a little guilty for ruining the surprise.

"I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't know."

"It's fine, but shouldn't you be at work?"

"You're right. I'll see you two later tonight." Charlie gave them both a kiss on the forehead and walked out.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Bella glared at y/n.

"Umm, I live here." Y/n walked upstairs towards her room. Bella only a few steps behind her. "So, what did you get for me?" Bella was leaning on y/n's doorframe.

"I didn't get you shit. Unless you want a first-class ticket to hell." Y/n was looking through her closet to see what to wear tomorrow. "Screw you, y/n. That's exactly why I didn't invite you to my graduation." Bella stomped away from y/n's room.

"It's not always about you, Isabella. And, I'm not even going tomorrow, I have plans." Jokes on you. I got invited by another graduate.


I kinda rushed this but I hope y'all like it. Also, if you haven't tell already I dislike Bella but Imma improve her character or just slowly not include her at all.

Im still debating on including Carlisle, Esme, Emily and Sam into the harem but y'all can help me out. Should I or should I not?

R̶a̶r̶e̶ B̶r̶e̶e̶d̶ (Twilight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now